Perpetual Auto Battle 2020

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Daenerys Targaryen
Staff member
AFN Admin
Cultivators Club
Jan 2, 2011
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Currently Smoking
How many growers cannot meet the Battle dates because they need to keep their grow rooms fully occupied..?

@Mañ'O'Green and @Ripper have said it causes them

We have Suggested a perpetual Auto Compulsory start date..just two compulsory Poll dates in a year.

Any finished girls you grow will be added to either of the two yearly polls.

If you are Interested...let us adding your Name here.

If we get over 10 people interested...we'll see if @Ripper and @Mañ'O'Green can come up with a set of Rules to cover it.....:amazon:
This is something I am interested in. Does it have to be just autos? I grow Photoperiods in the summer to better handle the heat and humidity.
Yes this caused me problems already lol had to wait to get started and got depressed with an empty groom. Things r much better now lol dropping seeds like a fat kid eats Oreos just keep popping them. I don’t think it matters what is grown @Mañ'O'Greenal more opportunity for a modern auto to hold its own against a photo.
@CannaZone Tier 1 @CannaZone Tier 2 @CannaZone Tier 3

Do any of you growers have troubles with timing your grow room to the current battle schedule? Would a perpetual battle help? Sing out in here and if we get enough potential growers we will build it.
@CannaZone Tier 1 @CannaZone Tier 2 @CannaZone Tier 3

Do any of you growers have troubles with timing your grow room to the current battle schedule? Would a perpetual battle help? Sing out in here and if we get enough potential growers we will build it.

I started dropping beans asap still took one till the first of Feb. to germ. I think it was plenty of time to get them going, but I may be wrong.:shrug:
im up for this a million percent I think it's a splendid idea nowt worse than having a empty tent or grow room
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