Plant metabolism ? stupid question..


Doctor of Fu*king up Grows!
Cultivators Club
Sep 27, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Moist basement shitty moldy albanian weed..
Hy guys first I have to say i was never botanic guy, Im more animals/pet guy, And I was never dreaming of becoming grower (from hustler to grower lol!) , but now that I am i got one question, I try to google it but no success..My question is , how long it takes for plant to consume nutrients we fed her? exsanpke if i feed her right now,when will she start to take nutes? second how many of wrong watering does plant need for ph lock?? I hope you understand what is bothering me??
Yes but if I fed water,feed,water, does she take only water on water days? if i miss ph with watering and scor it in feed will I have problems??
Cov', there is no simple answer to any of this, it's just too interwoven with the specifics of grow medium and method, environment, plant strain, etc. etc.,... Like Pepe' said, plants take in nutrients continuously along with water, there is NO selectivity in this; furthermore, certain nutrients are taken in whether the plants needs them or not; extra's can be stored for later use (up to a point), like N... too much becomes a toxicity issue. Generally, nutrients move through the plant at about 0.3m/hour, if transpiration is active enough... this is the whole plant drawing effect from the roots up, as the water evaporates from leaves, water and nutes are moved up in kind,... that's where it starts, but how fast the plant converts them and grows is another story too conditional and complex to make big generalizations about,... :help:
As for off pH water, that depends entirely on the chemistry of the water, what medium and grow method you use, and in the case of soils/soilless media, what exactly is in the mix (lime sources, if any for example),... again, there is no simple answer, mate....:smoker1:
I bow to you Master.. Thank you for such a detail answer...
:smoking:LOL! nothing doing Cov', just trying to paint some broad strokes for you,... this could be a whole lecture series truth be told! The "devil" is in the details as the saying goes....:pass:
And I'm gratefull (or grateful?) for that.. Wtf I need to do To have at least some kind of badge under my avatar?
I didnt know that option even egzist!!

BuT my award section is empty.. :(