Genius Pipe Pop22's Smokin'! A Genius Pipe that is!


Frankensteins Lab Leader
Cultivators Club
Dec 15, 2013
Reaction score
Received my Genius Pipe about a week ago, but I've been too sick with a cold to use it, so left it un-opened till today.

It came in a plain white, bubble padded envelope, with a standard Priority Mail label and that's all. Nice plain, packaging!

The pipe comes in a nice, black box, lined with foam to protect it. It included a Genius Stone with it, A small pamphlet came with the pipe, in the mailer envelope. Packaging is subtle and nice.

I disassembled the pipe to have a look. The entire pipe is held together with strong magnets. I like this! Easy disassembly for cleaning!

Design is very interesting. The grid of dimples inside to cool the smoke are very nicely machined, as is the entire pipe. It is very easy to disassemble. The bowl is a bit shallow. but design and useage probably influenced that part of the design.
The fit and finish of the metal parts is excellent! Couldn't find a flaw!

we filled the bowl and fireed it up, just moments ago! Now, I've seen many pipe designs claiming to cool the smoke..... so I was skeptical, but, you all know me..... lol! So I was quite surprised to find that it really did! In fact, its better than my little bubbler. The draw resistance is almost non existent! I can see the reason for their caution....... you could almost get a bong like hit from this! Ouch lol!

I don't smoke a lot, vaping is my favorite means of consuming cannabis. But, I do like pipes, I have several, including a real, Moroccan hash pipe that i love! That said, my other may well collect dust for a while, I'm really liking this Genius Pipe!

My frugal side cringes at the price honestly. but then, this is an outstanding smoking device. It is also unique! So, as much as it pains me to say so...... without a doubt, its worth the price!

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:cooldance::cooldance::cooldance: :bong: Welcome to Pot MENSA pop22! :rofl: ... you are singing the same chorus as the rest of us my man- :d5:.... yeah, the machining on this unit is very nice indeed,... you'll dig how well it cleans up too,... I hear you on the price, but the quality is definitely there, and the engineering is namesake cool! It's all about maximizing surface area exposure :thumbsup:.... did you also see where they offer to work with you in case you lose it, or gets stolen? Who does that anymore!
there's no official registration that we've found so far, just the website sign-up, which get you that Karma code... people use it like a personal reference from you if they buy something, and it credits you point redeemable for stuff....:biggrin:... serial# is in the pamphlet, kinda hidden in plain sight!
Nice one @pop22 Agree about the price, but it’s about the value as you stated.

I took this review thinking ehh its a pipe, seen one you seen them all. Well.......... I was wrong! The Genius Pipe has become my go to pipe! I like it better than my mini bubbler! Can't wait to try some hash in it, and soon, I'll be pressing rosin wooooo hoooooo! This is a great product! We don't smoke a lot, maybe 2-3 times a week, the rest of the time we vape as nothing beats the taste you get from a vape. But for a smooth smoking, non-waterpipe, its hard to beat the genius pipe!