Seed Stockers Seedstockers Outdoor Grow and Show Summer 2022

Update- day 30.5
Update- day 30.5 for the OD Seedstockers girls. Something has been perforating the thunder bananas but leaving all the others alone… must be something I can’t smell that they can. Just topped this AM with Dr earth 4-4-4 and watered. Lights at the top of the sky at 100% and humidity is at whatever the day brings. The Blackberry gum is untouched and growing splendidly. I wanted to top them but I see it’s too late for that so they will grow au naturale.
Blackberry Gum Week 1
Blackberry Gum Auto
Day 4
Well 3rd time's a charm. First one the snails ate, second one was a few days in and I knocked the pot over and snapped it clean in half :wall:
So, fingers crossed for this one :rofl:
Mack & Crack and Apollo black cherry Auto's Day 37
The seedstocker girls are looking amazing heading into flower :headbang: I topped dressed them with CoM PF 5-2-4 1/8 cup and 1/4 CoM BB 5-13-0 per schedule on 6/29 right before i left for the long weekend. Today they are really thirsty we haven't got much rain in the last few days so i will give them a good watering today with their weekly bennies. I think that's all for this week looking great everyone see you all around :vibe: :pass:


Apollo black cherry Auto Day 37

Mack & Crack Day 37

Apollo Black Cherry decided to show up to the party as well. Been 100 degrees but still just keeping the top wet with a sprayer. They both seem happy so probably won’t water through until I see signs they’re thirsty. 2 sprays a day atm. Hitting them with ph at 6.2 and fish sh!t. Will be feeding them Down to Earth 484 every 12-14 days with some molasses closer to flower and until they finish. Keeping it simple.

Calling Friday day 1 for these ladies.


Apollo Black Cherry:
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Kyote's Blackberry Gum auto and photo, Thunder Banana auto update
@St. Tom weekly update time for the garden :smiley1:

We gotz July's normal rainfall already this month.. so the weather is being consistent :rofl:

With that said, the gurls are doing ok. :thumbsup:

Thunder Banana auto day 28

Blackberry Gum auto day 34.. and will put July 1st as first day of flower formation

And Blackberry Gum photo with plenty of veg time ahead of her :smoking:

Happy grows folks :d5:
