Subcool Supersoil UK version a few questions.

yeah dude no sweat man!!:hug: I get it! ya have to understand when I say things like that bro it aint to confuse you.what you have to understand is your doing smaller batches and it is work cua your often mixing soils since you can only do smaller single bags at a time.ideally it should be three times that amount.see what I mean?lol so in that respect dude,do it man,it is easier unless you have a pre ready to go mix you can recyle.but youll have to have a recycle bin.and it'll increase in size over time but ya just deal according is can streamline your grow if you dont have room for soils as many do not and are almost forced to go that round since few have full on workable compost n stuff. so you aint the only one forced into that island man. lol your plants look great dude. right about 2/3 to a cup of lime id think and youll be right as rain in no time with them mellow teas man.nice snake though.its an involved thing but its just the other side of mixing your own chems. them nicer smaller snakes and pumps really do have a great efect on your teas.small bubbles bubble a lot lmfao but them bigger bubbles DUDE Im talking stuff will cling to a roof in a 15G turn man.stuffs craaazzzy man!!lol

hey darth dude.I just order my bokashi from amazon until i can afford a damned bin on of these months this year or next lmfao but the all seasons works decent in lieu of not having fresh bokahi to work with.,but thats all juuust fine.
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Supersoil Mix Day

Finally got all the amendments to make my new batch, spent almost an hour mixing it. Now brought indoors to let cook for 6-8 weeks! Excited about this, felt much better when I was mixing in the amendments and the final product smells and looks rich. Got my hands on some really good leaf mould from my dads garden so I added that in roughly the same amount as the worm castings. I know I could of added a lot more variety of things in there (when I can get hold of them) but think this is a good solid mix to start.

Here is the final mix I went with;

1 Large bag of Biobizz Allmix 50ltr

5ltrs Coco Coir
5ltrs Perlite

4lbs/2kg Worm Castings
4lbs/2kg Leaf Mold
10oz/300g Bone Meal 3.5-17-0
10oz/300g Bat Guano 1-10-1
10oz/300g Hoof and Horn 13-0-0

10oz/300g Seaweed Meal
1 tablespoon Volcanic Rock Dust
1 tablespoon Mycorrhizae
1/2 cup Egg shells
1.5 tbs Epsom Salts
1.5 tbs Powdered Dolomite Lime

Watered with some rainwater and molasses.


Any comments welcome, I'll probably use this thread as the grow journal when I start using it in May. Hmmmm, now off to Herbies to see what I like the look of.

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Just checked on the soil after 3 days we have web!


Started brewing a simple tea for the old soil mix I have sat here (I'll be using this for a couple of Auto's while I wait for the Subcool mix to cook).

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Thread resurrection!
Hey guys, it's been a while. My personal situation required me to stop growing, so I sold all my gear/seeds/soil to a good friend of mine. He's having problems signing up here on Tapatalk so I'm posting a few questions for him. He's using my batch of Subcools supersoil I made earlier this year (see start of thread for details).

Now he's been having some issues, it's his first grow and he's doing great but the thing is he is having EXACTLY the same problems I have had with all my soil mixes so far. As I said he is using all my old equipment; GN MS0006, Secret Jardin DS60, 20ltr pot, Cheesy Auto seed. Supersoil was put in the bottom 1/3 of the pot, then a layer of Biobizz Allmix and finally a layer of Biobizz Lightmix. He's used epsom salt/molasses every week I believe.

It's the same deal again, tips of fans start to burn, purple tones to the stems/leaves. Leaves eventually crisp and die off. The initial 4 weeks are fine, then it kicks in, red/purple stems, leaf damage. The buds continue to develop OK (I imagine they won't fill out to full potential), frosty as hell and smells fantastic, but looks like shit.

I thought with this mix being tried and tested it would work great but something is off. Not sure if it's because its an LED grow and it's down to Calcium/Magnesium def, or not enough Guano or something but like I said it's the same problems I encountered on all my grows with supersoil.

Can some peeps chime in who use soil mixes under LED please? 99% of the supersoil info I find online is under HPS, is it the LED? What could this be?

Once my personal situation is sorted I want to continue growing with supersoil and LED, so I have a vested interest in this and we would both really like to get this dialled in now lol.

It would also be great for other UK peeps who are wanting to use supersoil under LED too, as all my amendments are from the UK and easy to get hold of, this could be a sticky once it is fixed right.

It's just missing something and I can't for the life of me figure it out.

Heres some pics of his plant, and then a few pics of my old plants with same things going on. Hopefully we as a community can get to the bottom of this, as always-all help is greatly appreciated :)

Some pics of his plant.


Here is my last grow that got chopped, you can see the starts of the same thing on leaf tips,


And the grow before that, same thing again. I managed to get these to harvest, but the bud density really suffered, dank as it was lol.


Much love AFN! :bighug::pass:
well yes and no..mostly yes as far as the heavier color loss in the plant certainly.LED's are nice.but theyre not fully developed mimic the sun?NOPE!! they dont do falsifies the plants growth patterns and pulls various(unnaturally mind you)nutrients and stresses the plant when doing a simple swap to an easy to use T5 would solve half of the problem later in flower..Im fully convinced of it firstly.secondly growing autos in a living organic mix of short less vegged phots even will essentially do the same thing to the soil.make it caustic somewhat and very off balance as well.high in N and lacks massivly over the few grows it its fully lelached from the soil...THEn LEDs on top of it?yeah makes for a funky less budded or flowered plant and go to T5's and thinned out well worked soil with the full attention given to blending and flower production if that how your growing..if indorrs and sapce is limited a little or a lot?Im betting thats how much of us grow so thats a universal fix.Im going to swap back to my T5 actually this winter.ill use the LED for some photos i wanna do but..thats something else..

but thats my humble opinion as to whats up there.I had the same thing but I know my soil is off and depleting hard.gets worse early developing flowers and beyond correct??thats your fix.chems are different.LED's and chems work a lil easier cuz of the concentration of said style of growing...organics needs to follow a more natural path.HID's but i hate to recommend since they can be a pain in small spaces..LOL!and heat and way more money than many are willing to lay out for the bill too plus a fire hazard.but they still remain king as far as mimicing the sun..there are others..but the jury is still out as of yet.all this techno stuff is still in its infancy ofcourse cuz of simple science...but the sun its not.T5's do better under organics.or harder heavier soils(TLo types/photo strenght soils) with photo grows then fully worked given attention to flowering and balance.Lime gyspum.less heavier heavy or hotter silted/caustic guanos n so forth.
well yes and no..mostly yes as far as the heavier color loss in the plant certainly.LED's are nice.but theyre not fully developed mimic the sun?NOPE!! they dont do falsifies the plants growth patterns and pulls various(unnaturally mind you)nutrients and stresses the plant when doing a simple swap to an easy to use T5 would solve half of the problem later in flower..Im fully convinced of it firstly.secondly growing autos in a living organic mix of short less vegged phots even will essentially do the same thing to the soil.make it caustic somewhat and very off balance as well.high in N and lacks massivly over the few grows it its fully lelached from the soil...THEn LEDs on top of it?yeah makes for a funky less budded or flowered plant and go to T5's and thinned out well worked soil with the full attention given to blending and flower production if that how your growing..if indorrs and sapce is limited a little or a lot?Im betting thats how much of us grow so thats a universal fix.Im going to swap back to my T5 actually this winter.ill use the LED for some photos i wanna do but..thats something else..

but thats my humble opinion as to whats up there.I had the same thing but I know my soil is off and depleting hard.gets worse early developing flowers and beyond correct??thats your fix.chems are different.LED's and chems work a lil easier cuz of the concentration of said style of growing...organics needs to follow a more natural path.HID's but i hate to recommend since they can be a pain in small spaces..LOL!and heat and way more money than many are willing to lay out for the bill too plus a fire hazard.but they still remain king as far as mimicing the sun..there are others..but the jury is still out as of yet.all this techno stuff is still in its infancy ofcourse cuz of simple science...but the sun its not.T5's do better under organics.or harder heavier soils(TLo types/photo strenght soils) with photo grows then fully worked given attention to flowering and balance.Lime gyspum.less heavier heavy or hotter silted/caustic guanos n so forth.

It's funny Eyes, I only had these problems when I switched to LED! I thought it was the LED man, whatever soil mix I use, same kind of issues. I can't swap out LED for T5/CFL/HID or anything else, the heat/cost thing is too much of a deal breaker!

Well, thanks so much for that, I think you kind of confirmed what is happening. I thought something was amiss this summer, when I used up one of my old mixes in the garden with my tomatoes etc, and haven't had one problem.

Well, looks like I'm switching to chems from when I get back on track, may as well follow TaNgs schedule as that is proven under LED and I have the HS1 in my sights......

Goodbye organics, it was fun lmao!!