OLD REVIEWS Submit Your Autoflower Potency Lab Results!

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I got some reasonable results. 17% cannabinoids 20% and the like. Thing is it tests for all cannabinoids and lumps them together. You have to follow the directions. I only do the alcohol test. If you know what the constiuates of a strain are supposed to be you can deduct the cbd etc and it is relatively close. I think you need to spend about 1k for a good unit.
Think the MyDx or whatever it’s called is around $800 and it will do thc/cbd/cbg n the likes! Or if u want a digital chromograph (think what it’s called but too early to google search) u can get the Purpl Pro and it’s $1500! It’s what Roc uses for all his tests but I ain’t got that kinda cash to spend!

Batch before last of oil I made (results I shared) came to the 161mg so took 1/2 that oil (1cup) added a cup of uninfused oil with it and ran it over another batch of stem n leaf trash and jumped it up to 220mg/tbsp! Got the expansion kit to test flowers but it was $150 and does 10 tests so gonna return it and buy stuff off amazon to piece together what’s needed to do flower test cuz it is around $120 to get the stuff but can do 100 tests!
They sure jacked up the price! They use to be $399! And with an accuracy within 20% of a lab.......... they can shove it. Not to say all the useless nonsense in their app, though I suppose some people stress over such data.

Seems that only the Tcheck is the only home user device I'd consider and I don't find it impressive either. I've long debated buying one though as a ballpark idea of what's in my buds, especially the CBD buds content would be helpful. Maybe I'm just expecting too much lol!

Think the MyDx or whatever it’s called is around $800 and it will do thc/cbd/cbg n the likes! Or if u want a digital chromograph (think what it’s called but too early to google search) u can get the Purpl Pro and it’s $1500! It’s what Roc uses for all his tests but I ain’t got that kinda cash to spend!

Batch before last of oil I made (results I shared) came to the 161mg so took 1/2 that oil (1cup) added a cup of uninfused oil with it and ran it over another batch of stem n leaf trash and jumped it up to 220mg/tbsp! Got the expansion kit to test flowers but it was $150 and does 10 tests so gonna return it and buy stuff off amazon to piece together what’s needed to do flower test cuz it is around $120 to get the stuff but can do 100 tests!
Could you explain what your buying on Amazon to test with? I'd love a DIY way to do testing.

Think the MyDx or whatever it’s called is around $800 and it will do thc/cbd/cbg n the likes! Or if u want a digital chromograph (think what it’s called but too early to google search) u can get the Purpl Pro and it’s $1500! It’s what Roc uses for all his tests but I ain’t got that kinda cash to spend!

Batch before last of oil I made (results I shared) came to the 161mg so took 1/2 that oil (1cup) added a cup of uninfused oil with it and ran it over another batch of stem n leaf trash and jumped it up to 220mg/tbsp! Got the expansion kit to test flowers but it was $150 and does 10 tests so gonna return it and buy stuff off amazon to piece together what’s needed to do flower test cuz it is around $120 to get the stuff but can do 100 tests!
Think the MyDx or whatever it’s called is around $800 and it will do thc/cbd/cbg n the likes! Or if u want a digital chromograph (think what it’s called but too early to google search) u can get the Purpl Pro and it’s $1500! It’s what Roc uses for all his tests but I ain’t got that kinda cash to spend!

Batch before last of oil I made (results I shared) came to the 161mg so took 1/2 that oil (1cup) added a cup of uninfused oil with it and ran it over another batch of stem n leaf trash and jumped it up to 220mg/tbsp! Got the expansion kit to test flowers but it was $150 and does 10 tests so gonna return it and buy stuff off amazon to piece together what’s needed to do flower test cuz it is around $120 to get the stuff but can do 100 tests!
Let us know what that includes
Could you explain what your buying on Amazon to test with? I'd love a DIY way to do testing.
The MyDx is definitely a better unit as far as can be determined by reading their propaganda. Reviews seem pretty solid.
Could you explain what your buying on Amazon to test with? I'd love a DIY way to do testing.
The MyDx is definitely a better unit as far as can be determined by reading their propaganda. Reviews seem pretty solid.
Could you explain what your buying on Amazon to test with? I'd love a DIY way to do testing.
You need the actual tcheck 1st but it’s about same cost as adding expansion kit! To test flower once u have the tcheck main unit you need this....
10ml syringe (not many) $10
1ml syringes (100 is $15)
.22um syringe filters (told not totally necessary)
Digital milligram scale ($35 for good 1)
99.9% ISO ($35 for a gallon)
Lil sample bottles to put the flower in to do alcohol extraction ($5)

Just gotta weigh out between 100-250milligrams of flower! Then take it + 10ml ISO and shake it between 5-10min! Then pull lil out and put in tcheck tray and it’ll do the rest! Syringe filters not sure if it’s to keep chunks out or if it pulls chlorophyll out cuz haven’t done flower test yet!
And the tcheck expansion kit that I bought ON SALE only does 10 tests! It was $150 on sale but comes to around $120 to get same supplies but in quantity to do 100 tests! I got tcheck and the expansion kit thru Walmart and were $199 (tcheck unit) and then $150 for expansion kit! Gonna return my expansion kit tho now that I know all pieces I need to buy!