New Grower Testing with CWP pH8 soil meter - what do I need to know?

Oct 1, 2017
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Currently Smoking
AMS White Widow XTRM, AMS Cheese, AMS Ganja Dwarf
Oh wise AFN canna gurus, I need some enlightenment. I just got my CWP pH8 soil meter. I have started testing soil in 3 of our girls so far (have a few more to test) about mid way down and all the way down and in 3-4 different locations in their airpots. We grow in FF Ocean Forest which is said by some to have unstable pH issues. I am getting readings ranging from 6.3 to 7.0 so far. Fox Farm says Ocean Forest is pH adjusted to 6.3-6.8 which is pretty much inline with the readings I am getting on plants that are maybe 2-3 weeks from harvest. What do I do with this soil pH data? Do I need to make any changes to the regime? Seems to me this should be ok? Just pH my water and feed 1/2 strength FF nutes as I have been and check my soil pH (how often?)?
I'd continue as you are ... ph sounds good and you're nearing harvest ... pots often have a variety of zones w/ wide ranging ph. The soil probe allows you to know if the ph of your soil is badly off and is good to have when you need it ...
I'd continue as you are ... ph sounds good and you're nearing harvest ... pots often have a variety of zones w/ wide ranging ph. The soil probe allows you to know if the ph of your soil is badly off and is good to have when you need it ...

Thanks @Chester that's what I figured, but wanted to double check. We have really had no problems with Ocean Forest, but based on info I am getting from AFN am considering changing medium for next grow. :thanks:
@Kels59 do you have a digital PH pen to test the water/feed you are putting in the pots? I have the PH 8 and like it a lot. Tell's me what is going on in the pots. If I see PH is up or down too much in the pot I PH the water to a value I want it at that will correct what is going on in the pot. And you need a pen to read the PH of the water in order to do that.
Sorry to hijack. But whats the best probe available at the moment? Everybody keeps suggesting Accurate 8. Looking for a good quality and availability from aliexpress.

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@Kels59 do you have a digital PH pen to test the water/feed you are putting in the pots? I have the PH 8 and like it a lot. Tell's me what is going on in the pots. If I see PH is up or down too much in the pot I PH the water to a value I want it at that will correct what is going on in the pot. And you need a pen to read the PH of the water in order to do that.

Hi @lunarman. Sorry so slow to respond I just now saw this. I didn't get a notification. Yes I have a pH pen that cost around $25 (not one of the preferred brands) I test water/feed with and adjust as necessary with pH up or pH down. I calibrate it about every third use. So far we've had no terrible deficiencies or pH lockout in Happy Frog/Ocean Forest soil so it seems to be working ok after 4 months ... or we've just been lucky. Also have a $30 ec/tds meter I use because I have hard water that I mix with distilled water to get around 100 PPM. Plan on getting the Blue Lab combination meter that tests liquid pH and EC/PPM sometime soon ... when I can afford it.
Sorry to hijack. But whats the best probe available at the moment? Everybody keeps suggesting Accurate 8. Looking for a good quality and availability from aliexpress.

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Hi @FlowEst sorry slow to respond. For soil I am told the Accurate 8. For liquid pH either Blue Lab, Hanna, and there's one more I can't remember the name of and will have to look up for you. I am going to get the Blue Lab combo meter when I have the bucks. It measures liquid pH, ec, ppm, temperature and you can also get a soil probe for it to measure soil pH. It's pricey pushing $200 but a good long term investment. You could just get a Blue Lab pH pen for less at around $75-80. Just checked and looks like you can get the Hanna pH meter on Aliexpress, but not Blue Lab. Hope this helps.