Dutch Passion Zaaboot has a go at Trichomes & Cream alongside a Mimosa Punch

Hello all - hope you are all well. we have a sneaky bit of sunshine today so all is good!
Right then, if you recall last week the ladies were suffering a bit, it has gone both ways since then - the mimosa has carried on a few ruffles but no drama, whereas the T&C is really struggling for some reason.
I have gonee through the 'normals' t get everything in range and no real change to her, she is still looking sad.

Anyway, they both got topped during the week and all foliage removed - the Mimosa is fine but the T&C is struggling even more. I think she is just sensitive.
Temps: 23.5 Lights off, 25.5 lights on
RH: 50%
E.C: 1.2, made up of Grow A&B, root tonic, and a dash of calmag
Res temp: 21
Lights: 65%

Mimosa - before
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Mimosa After
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T&C (looking at this pic, looks like she cannot take too much N, but still not 100%)
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This morning, two days after being chopped up (Mimosa)
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And the T&C today
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Hoping the T&C gets in to her groove, as they are probably half way through their junior days now and will be hitting flower in 20/25 days.

Cheers for stopping by
Hi bro do you often go so heavy at such a young age with the training I know vapo puts a great show on with his torture but I think if done at the wrong time or not a really health plant autoflower can stunt bad and throw a total hissy fit but this is just my opinion mind I'm not saying these won't still be awesome
heavy at such a young age
Hey there @St. Tom - hope you are keeping well. Generally yes, most of my ladies will get topped at the fourth, the ones I expect large plants from get a fair bit of abuse with the aim of just having 8 to 12 colas with very little 'else' - this helps keeps the tent space in check. The plants which are expected to stay small dont tend to get topped but will have a lot removed to try to keep them tidy.
This said, I think I may have gone a couple of days early this time - but they should bounce back (the Mimosa will for sure...he T&C has been a bit fidgety from the start.
Post clean up
Hello all - just a quickie to show that everything is alive :crying:
After 24hrs thinking I started teh bondage too early - I still think it was a touch early but they are fine.

The T&C is still struggling a bit but I think as mentioned she is sensitive - but both are in 'go' mode now

Day 25
Hello all - back again for a little update.
As you saw, I topped and brutalised both the Dp ladies, and they are absolutely fine, I think I probably went a day or two early but that's the way it goes sometimes. I spent years and years scrogging massive single plant trees under plastic fencing that it is so hard to keep my hands of them, anyhow they are doing well. They have had a little training and a touch more defol since the first, now I am going to let them go for a couple of days before spreading out again and cutting away anything that is not going to be one of the 8 or so colas I am aiming for.

For those in the UK, you are surely cold at the moment, as is my garage - outside seems to be lingering around -5 at night and outside right now is -1, another adjustment to the inkbirds and we are good - but it is really cold so I am going to have to add another tube radiator inside the tent as the ambient temp in the lung room is only just creeping up to 27 leaving inside the tent at circa 23. I find that the extra radiator just helps stabilise the the temps with less on/off motions over any given period of time.

Both the ladies are having minor issues which I can't quite put my finger on, I am going with the assumption that the Canna start is heavy on the N, and when I topped the res up with regular grow A&B nutes there was maybe a tad too much N in the res, so a res change was the answer - secondly the humidity is too low, I put the humidifier out there for a day or two but it gets through so much water - so until I make a bodge of some kind that can feed it water automatically it will stay on the 'got too much equipment' shelf. And now, I think I went light on the calmag on the res change, as the veins are becoming more pronounced and the colouring feels a little pale - so this morning with the 20 litres added to the res there was 1ml per litre of calmag which is higher than I normally go but should be in range. They also got their first dash of silica in their feed.

E.C. 1.2 made up of Grow A (50ml/20l) & B (50ml/20l), Root tonic (.75ml/l), GG monosilicic (1ml/20l), calmag (1ml/l).
Foliar: Remo Velokelp after any manhandling.
PH. 6.
Res temp 21.
Tent temp. 22 to 25 (that was the range over the past couple of days, it has been bought back in to line now at 23 to 25).

T&C left, Mimosa to the right

Trichomes and Cream - she has been the more sensitive of the two thus far - but she is still just doing her thing

Mimosa Punch, she is certainly the more vigorous so far and about the right size for her age, if she had not been abused she would be a bit of a bush now.

It still amazes me what the plants do in such a short period of time, they still like like bonsai's sitting in the biggish pots - for scale they are precisely 30.1cm across - hoping by next week's update the pots will be a thing of the past under some nice shrubbery.

That's it for now
Take care all
Day 28
Hello all - hope you are all doing well!
So today at day 28 the girls are fine. The T&C is very sensitive and she looks like she has been poisoned with her leaves all curling inwards - but oddly enough she is growing at the right pace, and with one res feeding 4 plants there is only so much I can do without effecting the others which seem fine.
The Mimosa is going great, she has had some serious abuse and just keeps coming back for more - she now has her allocated number of heads so will play it by ear to see if there is time to increase the colas or keep it is they are and keep it trained.

T&C on the left and the MImosa Puynch on the right - both have been topped one and trained and since their original dose of abuse the ties have been getting pulled tighter daily to keep them in check

Trichomes & Cream - as you can see she looks very sick, she has looked like this from the start, but she seems to be comfortable in her own little way....

Mimosa Punch - she is doing well, and has had no real issues

I will push the EC up to 1.4 today, will increase the light to 80% and will increase fertigations to 8 times per day and see how they go.

Tke care and thanks for popping in
Day 33
Hello All - hope you are staying well.
It has been a few day since the last update, and as such they are still doing their thing. The Mimosa is powering along followed by the T&C which as mentioned looks poisoned but trooping still.

Everytime I look at the T&C I Can clearly see she has too much of something, and her claws look rather gnarly before lights out, but hey seem to straighten up a little at lights on...really confusing me, I even took the drip ring and line away for a clean just incase there was something in there. So not any wiser as to what is giving her issues.

As mentioned everything ent up a few days ago, and as such they are taking the extra feed and fertigations fine. I am trying to leave them alone for a few days now until they spread their legs a bit, but it i shard not to fondle...

Temps are good, and today the thaw begins outside and the regular wet crappy weather returns which sucks, but at least it is easier to control everything with less extreme weather. RH has been low throughout, and today it finally naturally picked up slightly so pleased with that.

Trichomes & Cream Mimosa

T&C - still looking very sick, but growing at an sensible pace...baffling, anyhow, she seems to get a little better each day, she may end up being the star that was poisoned but came through :crying:

Mimosa Punch - she is a tough lady, he branches are hard, and they feel like they will snap but with a bit of caressing she becomes pliable anough, and once the ties are on she is trying to pull her way free, tough! From memory the only other auto that has done that for me so far was the Mazr, she managed to undo herself and set herself free a few times.

Thats it for today
Just beautiful mate, what a show! :pop::pop::pop:
Thanks again Antonio - had a scare when I turned in to scissorhands, but they have bounced back very nicely - the Mimosa is very strong, she keeps pulling the ties out of place and I have to adjust her almost daily to keep her flat - when lights go on later she will be getting double ties to hold her down. :woohoo1:
hey hey - just a quick set of snaps, got some more ties today so I could get back to tying them up - they have some seriously strong branches - they are shaping up nicely.




T&C left, Mimosa right

They have both started pushing out white hairs the new res will be bloom nutes, going to leave the number of heads as they are, anything new is coming off unless there is an unobstructed place for a cola.

Cheerio and take care