Dutch Passion Zaaboot has a go at Trichomes & Cream alongside a Mimosa Punch

Day 42
Hello all - we made it! Christmas is done and dusted :woohoo1: hope you all had a good one! How was Sinterklaus @Antonio_DutchPassion - I know it is much earlier in the month - but hope you had nice times!

The ladies have been on Bloom nutes for a few days now, and a such the T&C has certainly started crowning with the Mimosa still a touch behind.
They are drinking a lot now and I am seeing very noticeable growth on a daily basis, the tent with four plants is up to its regular 8-10ltrs a day at this stage being fertigated 8 times over the 19 hours of lights on, totalling about 3hours of watering - I have noticed with this Gold Label coco with 60% balls Vs 40% coco if I water too little it dries out pretty fast, so this regime seems to be working well.

EC is at 1 today, although yesterday I topped the res up at 1.4 - when Lights are back on later I shall address that and push it up to 1.6 and see how it goes from there. All they are eating for now is Bloom A&B, root tonic and calmag.
PH is sitting circa 6
Res temp is 20
Tent temp is 23-25.5

They are both strong thick branches ladies and keep pulling themselves free of the ties so I am having to double tie most of the branches to keep them in place.
Now I have got the calmag to the right levels the deficiencies that were showing earlier on in the T&C have all but cleared up and she is looking nice and vibrant.


This pic was last night, they have just had a hair cut, and as the lights were soon to go out they loked rather sorry for themselves so on the next update I will show they are after todays clear up then how they are.

Cheers for popping in
Hello all - we made it! Christmas is done and dusted :woohoo1: hope you all had a good one! How was Sinterklaus @Antonio_DutchPassion - I know it is much earlier in the month - but hope you had nice times!

The ladies have been on Bloom nutes for a few days now, and a such the T&C has certainly started crowning with the Mimosa still a touch behind.
They are drinking a lot now and I am seeing very noticeable growth on a daily basis, the tent with four plants is up to its regular 8-10ltrs a day at this stage being fertigated 8 times over the 19 hours of lights on, totalling about 3hours of watering - I have noticed with this Gold Label coco with 60% balls Vs 40% coco if I water too little it dries out pretty fast, so this regime seems to be working well.

EC is at 1 today, although yesterday I topped the res up at 1.4 - when Lights are back on later I shall address that and push it up to 1.6 and see how it goes from there. All they are eating for now is Bloom A&B, root tonic and calmag.
PH is sitting circa 6
Res temp is 20
Tent temp is 23-25.5

They are both strong thick branches ladies and keep pulling themselves free of the ties so I am having to double tie most of the branches to keep them in place.
Now I have got the calmag to the right levels the deficiencies that were showing earlier on in the T&C have all but cleared up and she is looking nice and vibrant.

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This pic was last night, they have just had a hair cut, and as the lights were soon to go out they loked rather sorry for themselves so on the next update I will show they are after todays clear up then how they are.

Cheers for popping in
there just about to start to explode and the trichomes and cream were something special and its a strain I will run again soon maybe alongside the mimosa
were something special
Hey St! hope you are still on the up post covid :pass:
excellent, saw yours and a couple of others and they do come up big - I have trained them to keep them in check and in prep for the stretch. The only thing with this light Vs the other I use is this is a single board so has zero flexibility when it comes to differing plant sizes, so hoping the ties hold and they play along and stay tidy :cheers:
Yeah Sinterklaas, the ancestor of Santa Claus is always 5 december if I'm not mistaken, at least 'pakjesavond' the night every child gets their gifts, however I haven't been doing anything for Sinterklaas since I became 7-8 or so, we always thought one time a year (2-3 days) with X-Mas is more than enough ;-) So we only give each other a chocolate letter or 'pepernoten' or something like that now.

How was your Santaklaas holiday?

Plants are looking on point mate, well done!:woohoo:

Looking forward to seeing these ladies stretch and flower! :pop:
Yeah Sinterklaas, the ancestor of Santa Claus is always 5 december if I'm not mistaken, at least 'pakjesavond' the night every child gets their gifts, however I haven't been doing anything for Sinterklaas since I became 7-8 or so, we always thought one time a year (2-3 days) with X-Mas is more than enough ;-) So we only give each other a chocolate letter or 'pepernoten' or something like that now.

How was your Santaklaas holiday?

Plants are looking on point mate, well done!:woohoo:

Looking forward to seeing these ladies stretch and flower! :pop:

Hey Hey Antonio - good to see you are back, and I trust you are keeping wel!
oh nice, papernoten are nice with a hot chocolate - I used to spend a lot of time in Den Haag, Wassenaar and Scheveningen, around Sinterklauus for me was the time of fresh Stroopwafels.

This year I visited the family for a brief catch up then came back home and chilled out away from the madness!

So then - on to the ladies, they are really going for gold now and I have all but given up trying to tie down the lady at the back, as you can see the Mimosa has decided to replicate Burj Khalifa and shot up one massive branch, very strong she ripped out of two ties and still has two holding that one branch down but no luck. She is like a canna-arnie ard as nails!

Both of them are now in full stretch mode and I am pleased I was so brutal at the start as I always know with DP they will get big, it is the way it is!
They are drinking a good amount of water circa 2.5 litre each per day, and their EC is currently sitting at 1.4, with a PH at 5.9 today.
The feed is made up of Bloom A&B at about 60ml each per 20ltr, calmag is being reduced and sits at 05ml per ltr, root tonic at 1ml per ltr and yesterday they got their first dose of PK9-18 from Buddhas Tree - I am a little weary about the EC numbers as they have been oddly lower than normal although my feed is generally similar sp I will give the Truncheon a clean later.
Temps are stable at 23-25.5, and RH is at 35%.

Since the last post they have had two big defoliation sessions but you would never guess as they are growing fairly fast now and most of the new growth that is hidden is being removed to keep things simple, I just want buds :rofl: They will get another big clean up next week sometime for now it is a matter of keeping them clean and ensuring good airflow.





Thats it for now - stay well
Hello all - back again with a little update on these two lovely Dutch Passion Ladies!
First up, I hope you are all keeping well!

We have a bit of a battle on our hands, the Mimosa Punch shows no signs of abating and is eating up the tent - since the last update she has been defoliated twice, 6 branches have been super cropped and she is still stretching. She has one branch that has broken free of all the ties and is reaching for the sky, as I do like a long spear cola I will leave it be and just keep training the rest as much as possible.
The T&C on the other hand has listened to my instructions carefully and stayed flat after the training and is now packing on the weight and the sugar fairy is paying very regular visits which is always nice!

Fertigations are still 8 times per day totalling 3hrs, which seems to be the sweet spot at the moment, there are four plants in the tent and they are certainly enjoying their feed - yesterday I added 10 litres to the res and today I had to add another 15 litres as the pump was at the water line this morning - so one has to assume the Mimosa followed by the T&V are drinking the lions share of that as they are the biggest two in the tent.

The EC is 1.4 which is as high as i can get it - really no idea why it will not go and remain higher, but they are looking healthy so no drama - the current feed is Bloom A&B, and PK 9-18, the Root tonic and calmag are no longer being used - keeping it as simple as possible this run to see how it ends up Vs a variety of boosts and the likes.

Temps and RH are fine at 23 - 25.5 degrees and 40% respectively.

T&C on the left and Mimosa to the right

T&C - she is in desperate need of a serious schwazzing but alas I keep forgetting to take my gloves in. Note to self, take gloves to the tent tomorrow morning.
She has many bud sites and is speeding up at this stage of her life.


Mimosa Punch - she is just a monster, she would happily use up the whole tent herself, and would still be fighting for more - in the right space she would be an almighty yielder. Saying that, even in these cramped conditions she is truly excelling and showing up her sister right now.

You can see where she was relatively flat and that back one broke free and has not looked back - she did get a bit of a trim after this snap was taken.

She has this Burj Khalifa thing going on :woohoo1:

Thats it for now - cheers for popping in
Looking amazing buddy. I would supercrop that highrise if it starts to climb to high :cheers:
hey @Bob's Auto's - hope you are well! Have to agree, this light being a board is a lot less flexible than the other which I can split up to 6 bits if needed making it easier to nurture bigger plats and provide good coverage all round. There is still 6-10inches I can raise the light, hopefully she will stop reaching then I can keep it in one piece. The other reason I am still holding out is, where to put it, the canopy below the Tower is pretty dense :cheers:

Here she is one day on, and inches taller