Eyes on Fire

Guy Smiley
Sep 17, 2013
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
High all, ;)

well,Ive been givien the opportunity to try Kind Soil out for the first time. upon opening the bag it stunk heavily of a thick fish blended soil upon a few other things but overall its a concentrated soil for Layering for photos.as most are.I wanna see if its not too hot when the early tap root says hello to it at the bottom.

I plan on waiting a cpl days yet to start since I want to see if I get a pot to do one in,other than that i plan on doing 100% as specified by Kind Soil. And, i would like to also to a mix of various proportions,all the while maintaining the strength of said product per gallon as stated. but i will be doing in a three ways minimum to find what works well or better or not at all.

soo lets get started.ill start with a blend of soil not layered(waiting on pot to do layers..if a no show ill do it in my 3 trade gallon TM3 pots) and ill most likely start with a toofless Alien or a sour hound..or possibly another larger strain just to see its feeding characteristics in general. but in a day or two ill do two in layer in different ways and again in a different mix not layered and plugged like I usually do. Again ill be maintaining the said strength of a 2-3 or 4 gallon pot with the Kind Soil.so here's to Kind Soil. Thank you for allowing me to try your product. very excited!!

oh almost forgot.the first layer pot or two will not be getting ANY cal mag until its VERY apparent it needs it.as stated on the site I believe it is supposed to require zero cal mag if i understood it right.but we'll see. and Thanks again.

Well we can chat here then!! :D

(I'm first! w00p)
I was gonna ask what you make of the Kind Soil lot ... then immediately you post a thread that your testing - couldn't be better news for me!

I see they ship internationnaly and i want to live the easy life. No nutes!
I'm subbed up buddy!

Hoping it's magic for you! (and ultimately me lol)

Yeeehaww! This gonna be fun! Yeah Blue they do ship internationally. I'm subbing up to follow Eyes and I'll be doing a test thread here soon when I get my ducks in a row.
Sweet!! lol yup, Im sure this will work fine actually. what do I think of the people? great and fantastic growers coming in on this organics trial.and as far as the soil.Im a bit leary on the fact it says no cal mag.especially under LED? hmmm,we'll see.. but layering I typically dont do so thats why Im going to use a blend as well as the layer method but overall its extremely smelly.like bad fish smelly.LOL which can be good but most doing organics want a little smell as possible, so for some that might be a drawback but again, we'll see.LOL

I know the TLO mixes I use even concentrates that I did a few years ago didnt smell this funky ,but as long as the components arent too much (which I think ultimately it'll be great personally) for our auto's I think this is going to be a grow to remember in the organics community.

and ill have the first pot worked by this afternoon or evening. Thanks again. gonna choose a bean er three here in a few minutes lol
plain tap water well water pure as clean snow too LOL
When I move I will be setting up to use tap water but I need to get the chlorine and chloramine out of it so working on the filters to do that.. The soil does not like those two additives so currently I use distilled water
This girl is sitting in kind soil and she is 50 inches from the top of the pot.. 3 gallon pot I put 2.5 pounds if kind soil in the bottom and filled the rest of the pot with roots organic and that was it ...