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So do some Nice budding habits..........


Why have 1 top bud...when you can have 4 fighting for position.......?


Morning Kittens. Seems to be a semi rainy day, can hear it falling and the ramp is wet. Finishing up the 2nd cup, feeding cats waiting on wife to wake up.
Good morning everyone.

The girls seemed to like the pH-, it’s almost like I want to make the switch today 🚀

But I’ll give them a few more days to collect more energy to have with them on the journey.
Will prune some shading fan-leafs later this afternoon, raise EC just a bit and it is probably the last thing I do, then it’s time to let them go. 🌹🌹🌹🔥
Crazy to me that grove bags are still the most expensive thing to ship in the world :cuss: $20 shipping for 20 ziplock bags is ridiculous. They gotta be killing their business with this nonsense
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Amazon is selling 4 bags for $18. Your still getting the better deal but ya, $20 shipping on a light weight envelope is insane. UPS Ground is $14.
My lil treats might get more popular.
Thanks for the reps @Mossy 😀
Hope you’re having a beautiful day. Today is the first day in months that we have “spring-weather”, still cold winds but you can feel that it’s getting warmer and that the summer is around the corner 🌱
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