SSSC Newman’s Miracle Gro


Organic Homegrower
Cultivators Club
Dec 25, 2021
Reaction score
Auto Elephant and Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel will be getting the American treatment with Miracle Gro Organics. All the material is OMRI listed, and I’m assuming formulated to assist even the most ignorant American consumer have a green thumb.

This is the soil, which was split into two 5g fabric pots. Seeds were planted directly into this soil

The plants broke ground last Sunday August the 28th

Auto Elephant

and here they are today on day 8

Auto Elephant

on day 6 I watered in the recommended dose of this which came to about 220 ppm when mixed with RO. Though to be true American consumer I think I might use carbon filtered tap…TBD(I know the soil will feed them for the first few weeks:goodluck:)

also before they flower I have to buy the purple bloom box. It will either be a miraculous failure or a miraculous success
Good luck brother, am interested in this grow. Did you add perlite?
Nope just straight from the bag unadulterated mix

Though to be a true American consumer you just need to water em from the garden hose. :rofl:

I could buy this if you think it would make for a more American review, blindly fertilizing with chlorinated water sounds up my alley
Day 14. I was mixing up that fertilizer with RO but the PH is too low without adjustment, already noticing some brown spots and yellow splotchyness on the leaves so I will be switching to nutrients mixed with tap(I was making a bunch of measurements yesterday but 1tsp/L tap puts it about 6.5 ph which is good enough for me so going forward that will be the plan. Also some canoeing going on perhaps too much light? So I raised the light this morning…. Will bust out the meter later to pull some numbers so I’m not growing blind(more than I already have:haha:). Growth has still been great:shrug:


Auto Elephant

I could definitely top them right now and am considering it with ABLD as the one in the greenhouse got to be 4ft, some really fat main colas also sounds great though
Yesterday was the first day they were hit with fertilizer again this time mixed with tap water. Otherwise they were watered with rainwater only. Leaf issues still, if in a week it persists I might just switch to the miracle gro bloom organics 8-8-8 instead of the all purpose organics 11-3-8. Seeing the same issues in the other plants in different mixes but can’t be sure I didn’t hit them with some fertilizer water while watering these:shrug: today both sexed out though and we’ve got females!:dancer:
Auto elephant day 22



@420autoflower I want to try a schwazzing so I’m tagging in the best hope you don’t mind :pass: I’m at day 27 still not quite flowering but she’s bushy as hell so I thought may benefit from a schwazz. When would you pull the trigger kind sir?
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That’s a beautiful plant you have there @Newman’sOwn. :thumbsup: Some really good growth for being only 27 days old.
Looks like you’re getting a good amount of light around the whole plant so you shouldn’t have to do a complete schwazz at this stage. I would start by just plucking some of the larger fan leaves to open up the plant and expose all those wonderful bud sites. Continue removing larger fan leaves every few days until the end of your third week of flower… at that time you can decide if you want to do a full schwazz or just continue defoliating.
I have 4 auto GSC and 1 Poochie Love in my tent who are entering their11th week and have only recently show signs of beginning to bud. My tent is full and because I did only topped them a couple of times they are tall as well. The next grow I am going to top more aggressively or use seeds with different genetics. The GSC seeds were billed as "extreme" from ILGM. One lesson I learned this grow is to top all my plants the same in a tent, plants of differing heights can cause a problem with lighting.
I like the way you show your pics 1 from above and 1 from the side. It looks like you can have a real bush, Good luck.
Thinking the Bloom and Tap approach is working. I honestly really like the combo of the soil and fertilizer for ease of use. The granules dissolve in 2-3 minutes with some shaking in a nalgene(I’m mixing 1l tap at a time with the small side of the included measuring spoon worth of ferts). It becomes slightly foamy and basically flows through the media once applied rather than pooling on the surface. I have been fertigating every other watering with rain water between. On this past plain watering I used bottled spring water instead. The auto Elephant has really taken to the regimen

ABLD is not as happy but growing and I think on the mend despite my early mistakes.

the roots are pretty vigorous too

the elephant has a really nice smell from a stem rub already. Tops of the plants are receiving about 45DLI