Running autos 24/7 does not reduce potency, its a MYTH

I run continuous, 24 x 7, other than turning off the lights for about 6 hours every 3-4 days (2x/week). I hope to get whatever benefits, such as from plants 'resting,' that may be worthwhile pursing by not going fully 24x7, and any benefits from more cumulative light (from not going dark daily). I can't say anything about this working well or not.

Myself: I presume plants can sense, are aware of, and even can react to diurnal/daily rhythms of long periods of light exposure and darkness (day/night; how they evolved). But I don't think they (or at least our weeds with auto genes) particularly need the diurnal rhythms or darkness. In terms of 'bro science,' I presume it (or common knowledge) tells us that 24x7 vs. daily darkness are pretty much comparable. If these weren't, if one way was actually significantly better, we'd all know that already.

But what do others think of such a schedule involving turning off the lights 2x/week? Would this theoretically or is this known to be better or worse than going 24x7 say vs. 18/6 daily? A good compromise? Too much added stress?
I don't think it matters very much, regarding potency. Its just that the cost of running 24/7 do not offset modest yield gains.

I'm doing it because in Jan-Feb I have to. Would prefer to give the plants a rest, but my tent temps drop 12 degrees in ONE hour during those months.

Starting tomorrow in my area temps go up 30+ degrees outside, I should be able to cut off the lights soon.
I run 24/7 because it is much easier to control the environment. I would love to run 18/6. A friend of mine runs the same strains as me at 18/6. We usually see my pants bigger on the same number of days, when my plants are finished they are spent. I watch my outdoor plants rest every night and realize that I should try to achieve a rest period. Maybe I will get there someday. There are a lot of people on here doing a lot of different things. I attribute it to part stoner science and part artistry. It makes it interesting to see people doing things I don't and the outcome. Now I can read about DLI or I can read about the different theories of subwoofer placement. DLI is less stressful.:yay:
Excellent Video! My question has been not in photos but in autos. The difference being that the Ruderalis influence on the plant could act differently because of a longer light cycle in the wild and a need to finish quickly. I noticed growing outside that Autos seem to be more sensitive to lack of light than photos. One day I will put my mind to it and run 18/6, because no matter what my wife says I am not Stubborn.
I wish there were more scientific studies pertaining to Autoflower Light Cycles but ..................


This is the backbone of growing organically. You probably know more than anyone else how much I try to explain the importance of the rhizosphere and thus dark times, lol. I tell people all the time.. Every living thing benefits from sleep or a dark period.. That's scientific fact. And personally, I could never be convinced that unnatural is somehow better than natural. Can 24hr light work? Of course! Is 24/0 bud better than 18/6 bud? That's subjective, but I personally doubt it. If people actually cared about the plants well being, they wouldn't do it. But most people treat their plants like crap and only care about bud size or end weight.
I run 24/7 as well. Mostly because it's easier for me to keep my temperature and humidity within healthy ranges, and I'm also running QB LED's, so the power difference is minimal.
It's just a lotta watering running 24/7 in small 3 gallon rain Science bags. They want it to run out some DAILY at 35-40 days old.

Common sense tells me its healthier for a plant NOT to be in photosynthesis non stop, and that a short darkness cycle inspire roots to transpire even moreso.


I understand the need to run 24/7 if adapting to a cold environment......and getting RH correct in a cold 20% RH area is no picnic either. But once you adapt and conquer that environment and get to a very good CONSTANT VPD range its pretty fuggin easy.
I wish there were more scientific studies pertaining to Autoflower Light Cycles but ..................


Sounds like, in my uneducated opinion, that it possibly diminishes the effects of the Calvin cycle at the least. I saw a grow guide by Mephisto I believe saying how they ran everything 24/0. I wonder how that affects breeding.

Don't you use FR initiation with your autos? Do you see any decreases in time to harvest?

@damien50 Yes I do use Far Red Initiator pucks. It stimulates stretch and flowering. As to the timeline to harvest I have not attempted to associate it with a faster harvest. Several yeas ago I did but I think it Bro-science. There are just too many variables to consider. I like adding to the stretch of most Autos.

I do not lend too much weight to Mephisto or any other single source of information. My personal experience is not the same as theirs. There are a lot of seed vendors that support the paper towel method of germination - not me.

And I am not opinionated :crying::crying::crying: