New Grower DSM First Grow. Kind Soil. LED :) Completed

Looks like its going to be a little bit before I get the ball rolling. Went to set up my VIVOSUN tent to find out they didn't send the right amount of poles. I'm missing one. Grrr super frustrating.

Anyone have any recommendations for a better tent company? Preferably one that will send me all the necessary equipment... :nono: :shrug:

hmm, could ya go to the good ol' hardware store to grab a piece of pvc for a fix :confused1: ppp
hmm, could ya go to the good ol' hardware store to grab a piece of pvc for a fix :confused1: ppp

Great minds think alike. That's what I ended up doing this morning. Still annoying that I needed to go out and buy it, but I made it work. Overall, very surprised about the sub par quality of the tent. There's a bunch of small holes which are probably going to cause some light leaks. Patched it up with some aluminum tape for now. Guess you cant trust amazon reviews. Lesson learned.
Great minds think alike. That's what I ended up doing this morning. Still annoying that I needed to go out and buy it, but I made it work. Overall, very surprised about the sub par quality of the tent. There's a bunch of small holes which are probably going to cause some light leaks. Patched it up with some aluminum tape for now. Guess you cant trust amazon reviews. Lesson learned.

sadly, it'z called -> mass production & woe be the consumer :shrug: glad u were able to fix the frame tho :thumbsup: ppp
Great minds think alike. That's what I ended up doing this morning. Still annoying that I needed to go out and buy it, but I made it work. Overall, very surprised about the sub par quality of the tent. There's a bunch of small holes which are probably going to cause some light leaks. Patched it up with some aluminum tape for now. Guess you cant trust amazon reviews. Lesson learned.
I used black silicone to patch hundreds of holes in my first tent from the outside. Put the tent in the middle of a dark room with a bright light on the inside to see them. Mine looked like a star lite sky :crying:.
Howdy yall!

Let the fun begin, beans are soaking in a water cup and will be transfered to a paper towel within the next day. Set up is looking good. Got everything hooked up properly( I hope :baked:) , temp. is dialed in. Sits in low 70's with lights off, lights on around 76ish. Rh is around 45% so will be placing a humdifier in the tent during veg. After getting some solid advice from some people on here, I'll be steering away from trying to have a "perfect" grow. Not going to drive myself crazy over little shit. This should be a fun learning experince. Hopefully one out of three plants will make it to harvest!

So my only remaining question is about passive intake flow. From the outside of the tent, it looks like the side where the carbon filter is located is caving in a little bit... Which is what I want correct? Or does the whole tent need to look like its caved in... I have all vents shut besides the two side panels.


I know that a lot of growers swear by it and their proof is the fact that many plants survive the technique but unless seeds are old or have been stored poorly soaking seeds is not needed and can drown them. Then because they need the instant gratification of seeing the tap root they germinate them in paper towels. If you look at a tap root under 200x magnification you will see the “root hairs” that grow laterally out from the tap root. These become the plant’s uptake roots. They will grow into the fibers of the paper towels and are ripped off every time the seedling is move or the towel is opened – ouch. Then when transplanting it is very easy to bump the tap root tip and damage it or kill the seedling – Why?

Put the fresh or properly stored seed ½” deep in a Rapid Rooter, Root Riot, rock wool cube or similar or right in the soil. Keep moist – not wet, and ~78°F, 60% humidity with your lights running on 18/6 and they will germinate if viable. Most strains will germinate in 5 to 7 days. Some strains take longer than others. The African sativas can take 21+ days so be patient. 7 plus year old seeds require special treatment.
@Mañ'O'Green Im gunna give this a try and just put it right into the soil. I'll skip the TP method this run. Thanks for the insight. Hopefully everything works out!! :cooldance:Super excited and nervous haha, hope my girls make it to harvest.

Any tips on passive intake ventilation/creating negative pressure? Unsure if I am doing it correctly or not.
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@Mañ'O'Green Im gunna give this a try and just put it right into the soil. I'll skip the TP method this run. Thanks for the insight. Hopefully everything works out!! :cooldance:Super excited and nervous haha, hope my girls make it to harvest.

Any tips on passive intake/creating negative pressure? Unsure if I am doing it correctly or not.
Yes do not cover them with a cup unless you cannot get the humidity up to at least 60% even 90% is ok for the first couple of days. If you cannot get the humidity up use a clear plastic cup with a 3/8" hole drilled in the top. for the first few days. if condensation starts to form in the cup drill another 3/8" hole in the side of the cup about midway up.
48 hour update.

Tent is around 78° with humidity at 75% while lights on. No sign of life just yet. Trying to be patient, which is surely the hardest part. Hope they sprout up soon. Keeping the top of soil moist by lightly spraying water with a foilar sprayer on low setting every 24ish hours . I count for 5 seconds and move to the next pot.

Should I be leaving my humidfier on when lights go out? Humidity drops to below 55 when lights are off..
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48 hour update.

Tent is around 78° with humidity at 75% while lights on. No sign of life just yet. Trying to be patient, which is surely the hardest part. Hope they sprout up soon. Keeping the top of soil moist by lightly spraying water with a foilar sprayer on low setting every 24ish hours . I count for 5 seconds and move to the next pot.

Should I be leaving my humidfier on when lights go out? Humidity drops to below 55 when lights are off..
Do not get them too wet they will rot.