New Grower DSM First Grow. Kind Soil. LED :) Completed

Do not get them too wet they will rot.

Trying my best to not to have that happened. If anything I've been trying to underwater. I just spray enough to keep the top of the soil moist. I put my finger 1inch down to make sure. Just gotta sit and be patient, which is something I never been good at :cool1:
Trying my best to not to have that happened. If anything I've been trying to underwater. I just spray enough to keep the top of the soil moist. I put my finger 1inch down to make sure. Just gotta sit and be patient, which is something I never been good at :cool1:
I grew some Malawi African land-race sativas once that took 23 days to germinate!

Day four update. Is it time to harvest yet? :baked:

Been trying my best not to kill this one. Other two pots have no signs of life yet, will send in a recon rescue team if nothing happens by the end of the weekend. Tent is staying at a consistent 75*F, 65%RH. Lights our aprox. 25 inches away from top of plant.
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2/3 has sprouted. Second one peeped her head out of the soil today. Third pot showing nothing yet. Will give it another few days. Before I do a little investigating.

Can anyone give me a few pointers about watering during the seedling and Veg stage? 5 gallon fabric pots, coco loco/kind soil mix.... So far I've been lightly misting the top of soil everyday. Literally 5 seconds and than I stop. Today i decided not to give any water to the first plant. I'm super nervous about overwatering.
2/3 has sprouted. Second one peeped her head out of the soil today. Third pot showing nothing yet. Will give it another few days. Before I do a little investigating.

Can anyone give me a few pointers about watering during the seedling and Veg stage? 5 gallon fabric pots, coco loco/kind soil mix.... So far I've been lightly misting the top of soil everyday. Literally 5 seconds and than I stop. Today i decided not to give any water to the first plant. I'm super nervous about overwatering.

yup, alwayz a wize thing to be "super nervous" about overwatering, lol ;) let'z see, on ur oldest there, i'd say g'head & start givin her a little reg water, but do it around the outer perimeter, like the outside half...that way, the lil rootz are made to find their own way to the water, and thus grow, instead of it being right there where they are now, in which case they never hafta go anywhere to find it, and thus don't, hope that makez sense :confused1: lol, me kinda stoned atm, so...:smoking: ppp



Woooohoooo! Day 7 update. Last seed decided to pop her head out this morning. 3/3 baby! Now lets hope they all make it to harvest. hmmmm time for me to come up with some names for the gals. :woohoo1:
I realized I never put a picture up of my set up. For some reason I cant keep the Light board perfectly straight, and its driving me crazy lol. But besides that I am pretty happy on how everything looks inside the tent.

Any comments/suggestions on my set up?
