New Grower DSM First Grow. Kind Soil. LED :) Completed

There ya go! Now youre in a great temp spot, tho it probs wont hurt to let the temps hit the low 80s every now and again.
I know some of the early info on growing with leds used to say higher temps were better anyways.
I myself have noticed the best consistent growth in the 78-80f range, tho my rh is always 40-50 so im not fighting humidity
Day 37 update :bighug:

Plants are moving along nicely, not much to report for this week. Been playing around with different watering methods. Instead of once a week gallon each I broke it up to twice a week half gallon. Mixed with the usual Mammoth P and Recharge. Goldilocks is starting to pack on some funky frost. Dark Devil seems to be a little grumpy after my osculating fan fell on her during the night lol. Changed my set up around a little bit, added some more clip fans. How does everything look to everyone?

Any estimates on how much longer yall think the goldilocks need?


New setup

Dark Devil


NightShot of Goldi :p
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Well folks got a rough update. We lost one of the plant since the last update. RIP DarkDevil. She never fully recovered from the fan falling on her. Now my goldilocks is experiencing some type of nutrient deficiency, possibly nitrogen, and is not doing well. Really bummed out about all of this. On top of an already very rough personal stuff week. I'll post some pics and see if yall have any advice or insight.

Botton leaves are turning bright yellow and wilting away grrr
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(copy and paste)--> this to a new thread in the INFIRMARY with white light pictures (5000K best).


Medium/grow method:

Feed: and supplements used:

water source:


light used:


Additional info:

I think you may have several things going on but @Waira seen more of this than I have.
:toke: DSM, did she ever dry out badly? There's a difference between the the typical N-toxicity tip hooking, and the bowing down of the fingers (caused by a few things potentially) though they can overlap sometimes,... When did the leaves bow and curl like this?
... KindSoil- :nono: - at best I see mixed results from them over time here, starting with our staff test of it a few years ago.. There are better "water only" soils (KIS is showing the best, SoHum seems OK too)... even those can do better with some select supplements, and even a little PK boosting which KIS recommends for optimal results. With KS, a common problem is the hot N content, and/or poor P supply during bloom.... I'm betting that P defc. is part of the problem here; color fade on lowers is normal to an extent at this stage, usually N getting tapped out from the leaves... This is why I asked about when the leave distortions happened.. Too much sudden release earlier on can happen, then it runs low during bloom....
Although they say you can, I never recommend doing a coco/soil layering. Coco is a very atypical soilless medium, meant really for hydroponics and is run entirely differently from true soil, mixing them in layers is unwise IMO because of this.... You may have some Ca defc. happening linked to this, coco hogs it and Mg to itself binding it up and keeping it from the roots uptaking it until a saturation leve has been reached,... no Ca-Mg inputs tells me this is happening now especially with RO water going in (zero Ca++)....
No matter what clowns say about "organic" soil/nutes, monitoring in-pot pH is critical, anything can go off range pH in the pot... it's pure myth that "organic" means pH bullet proof... It may be less likely vs synthetic which tends to be very acidic, but it's no panacea! Look into getting a soil pH probe, a good one not a cheapo unit... Accurate 8 is a good one, or spend more $$ from a Blue Labs unit....
Start with adding Ca-Mg to your RO water, to about 120ppm... Get some PK booster, Roots HPK (0-4-3) is good stuff, or their Terp Tea.... Also if you don't use inoculants (and enzymes, not as critical), you're making things harder for the organics to do thier thing, these are key to good results because they help convert the organics into forms the plant can take up....