Indoor Canadian Winter grow

Apr 5, 2016
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Well it’s been a while since I’ve posted a new grow journal so here it goes...

Long story short, I built a “cabinet” we will call it, in my shed outside. It’s fairly small at only approx 4 feet high x 3 feet wide. Framed and insulated into a seperate area in my shed. Being that I do live in Canada, our winters can be brutally cold. To combat this, I run my 400 watt HId on a 24 hour light cycle to keep the heat in. I have a small PC fan as an outtake and a small humidifier going during the most part of veg.

I’ve grown several strains in this cabinet over the last couple years with varying results but mostly good.

This time around I have 2 X Skywalker from Mephisto and a King Louie from Puff Puff Pass. I have always used SkunkWerks All In One with ProMix HP. I’m switching it up and going organic, only water!! Will be a First for me but looking forward to seeing the results.

My soil less medium is called Root Farm hydro soil. I mixed a pre made organic 4-4-4 dry amendment from Gaia Green into the medium. I plan on adding some high P bat guano during flower .

Feel free to chime in with any questions or comments . I will update as often as I can.

Happy growing!!
Well if you have tried the government weed yet, you’ll know why you’re better of growing your own!! Lol
Well if you have tried the government weed yet, you’ll know why you’re better of growing your own!! Lol
I bought 1 gram of MKultra had bud Rot right brown in the center I returned it got my money back !!!
Good luck, can't check your girls in your slippers!

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and then there were 2....

Today marks day 14 for this grow

Sadly a couple days ago I lost one of the Skywalkers. It’s looks as though it was due to damping off. It had been leaning for a day or so and I would just put some soil around the base and then I came home to what you see in the pic.

One thing that is very difficult with this type of grow is controlling temps and RH. Which in turn causes me to overwater sometimes. I’ve also been noticing some fungus gnats running around the soil. This would be a first for me and I think it might be due to the “organic soil amendment “. I’ve been trying to let the soil dry out before watering again which should help. In the meantime I’ve been putting down some DE to hopefully control them .

Will post a couple updated pics of the surviving Skywalker and King Louie later tonight.
The remaining Skywalker is the smaller of the 2. Look closely and you can see one of the leaves(second set) is missing a portion. It grew like that and again I assume that is due to fungus gnats. The King Louie is a more true sense of day 14 on all my past grows.




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I just got an electrical bill for the last month for my 8x8 tent that sits in an unheated garage that is insulated. $120 and its not even that cold yet.

Trying to reduce how much this is costing me. Pretty much all LED now. But I do run one 600w HPS for heating. Might as well get some lumens while heating. I also put rigid foam insulation under each pot. And I put loose insulation batting on top of my tent to hopefully keep heat in. Nothing on the sides yet. I hope to find some more effective ways to insulate the tent and reduce how much I have to heat it.

Good luck with the grow. Looks like you're off to a good start.
As for the damping off.... I don't like HP promix for drainage or moisture management or bugs. And I've amended coco and HP promix with organic stuff before like EWC and Biochar and I find that screws up watering or drainage and increases risk of bugs. After lots of trials I am now comfortably running only coco instead. Its a dream when it comes to less watering. I love it. No amendments.
Got Gnats?

Decided to take a different approach to deal with the fungus gnats and put down some simple sticky traps.

They have been in for a few hours and I have counted 20+. Once i stop the breeding cycle with these , I should be in the clear.