This could be a winner of an idea. These air pots a lot of us buy are a little pricey for one thing, and with those airpots there are some disadvantages. One being when maybe you have gnats for instance, those airpots have plenty of routes for the little bastards making it very hard to get them all. this home made airrigation you created only has one way in and still presumedly does the same job, maybe better. IDK. What do you think Professor Saroni?

When I had the bug problem recently I wondered that exact thing about the airpots... You should slip them in nylons...

Also why I started with fabric pots... I'd imagined growing one of these with no pot actually and to me, in a fabric pot, the plant might as well be naked... I put mine on wire racks to air can get at every side... Now I'm actively pushing air into the soil... can't get much better than this for giving the canna what it wants... Those air pots are mostly plastic with little gnat holes... I like my fabric pots much better... and now the air-igation...

The only thing I'm wondering about is how dry it might get down there but some data I'm looking at is telling me that by maintaining optimal m.a.d. it's not an issue and the pump is on all the time...

Yes I think that a fabric pot alone is great and combined with this... the bomb... literally... like two extra internodes bomb... Really...
When I had the bug problem recently I wondered that exact thing about the airpots... You should slip them in nylons...

Also why I started with fabric pots... I'd imagined growing one of these with no pot actually and to me, in a fabric pot, the plant might as well be naked... I put mine on wire racks to air can get at every side... Now I'm actively pushing air into the soil... can't get much better than this for giving the canna what it wants... Those air pots are mostly plastic with little gnat holes... I like my fabric pots much better... and now the air-igation...

The only thing I'm wondering about is how dry it might get down there but some data I'm looking at is telling me that by maintaining optimal m.a.d. it's not an issue and the pump is on all the time...

Yes I think that a fabric pot alone is great and combined with this... the bomb... literally... like two extra internodes bomb... Really...
I really like my air pots. i recently gave my neighbor all my old regular pots, kind of regret it now. I didn't really have a problem combatting thrips, but when I had gnats Icould see they were on the sides in alot of those holes. Now I'm rethinking my pot situation. I hate bugs. Having said that, this forced air seems like it could be more effective. I'd like to be able to just do it for periods of time and then switch to another pot and just keep cycling throughout the day. Maybe that wouldn't work for some, but I could do something like that.
When I had the bug problem recently I wondered that exact thing about the airpots... You should slip them in nylons...

Also why I started with fabric pots... I'd imagined growing one of these with no pot actually and to me, in a fabric pot, the plant might as well be naked... I put mine on wire racks to air can get at every side... Now I'm actively pushing air into the soil... can't get much better than this for giving the canna what it wants... Those air pots are mostly plastic with little gnat holes... I like my fabric pots much better... and now the air-igation...

The only thing I'm wondering about is how dry it might get down there but some data I'm looking at is telling me that by maintaining optimal m.a.d. it's not an issue and the pump is on all the time...

Yes I think that a fabric pot alone is great and combined with this... the bomb... literally... like two extra internodes bomb... Really...
We discussed that before about the sock or nylon as some added prevention and that's an excellent idea too for a gnat problem.
I really like my air pots. i recently gave my neighbor all my old regular pots, kind of regret it now. I didn't really have a problem combatting thrips, but when I had gnats Icould see they were on the sides in alot of those holes. Now I'm rethinking my pot situation. I hate bugs. Having said that, this forced air seems like it could be more effective. I'd like to be able to just do it for periods of time and then switch to another pot and just keep cycling throughout the day. Maybe that wouldn't work for some, but I could do something like that.

Don't get me wrong... I'm actually using the airpot principal for another purpose and I believe that I've got a pseudo aripot which is actually air pruning roots...

Mine is on 24/7 on the first subject so same here. You could get a manifold (a buck), a 100 gallon air pump, a bunch of hose and rig them all to the same pump... put it on a time if you are worried about 24/7. I may do the time thing when it's very mature but until it's fully budded out, it stays on...

Cool. So u are pushing air into the bottom of the pot up towards the top? How strong is ur air pump

Yes Jayar, the tube has about fifteen little holes in it and is laying straight across the bottom about 1 inch up (N bomb layer) pumping nutrient rich air up through the roots... when I spray the ground to water, it foams up for a little... I'm using a 30 gal air pump for this 3 gal pot.
Regarding fabric pots... I buy el cheapos on ebay... hell a ski hat would work... just found some from a tree farm that are like paper thickness and see-through, made of fiberglass or something... my sog is growing in them... they were like 1.25 each for 10 2 gals... I may try some 3 gals of the same type...
Here is an example of what happens when I top dress with lobster compost and why I'm anticipating good results from my soil mix... This is my Supernatural OG which I'd top dressed a couple weeks ago, notice the abundance of thirsty white root hairs swimming and networked throughout the compost.... oooh yeah...
Photo Jul 06, 12 39 03 AM.jpg

Yes Jayar, the tube has about fifteen little holes in it and is laying straight across the bottom about 1 inch up (N bomb layer) pumping nutrient rich air up through the roots... when I spray the ground to water, it foams up for a little... I'm using a 30 gal air pump for this 3 gal pot.

I think I know what u mean. Cool experiment! Can't wait to see how it goes cuz now that I think I get it it makes perfect sense. But u don't think that the air might harden off the roots or kill them like air pruning?
I think I know what u mean. Cool experiment! Can't wait to see how it goes cuz now that I think I get it it makes perfect sense. But u don't think that the air might harden off the roots or kill them like air pruning?

I don't think air prune will happen, rather the opposite. That part of the fabric pot is lucky to see roots but... it's also usually the last to dry and the way I keep things at a set moisture level, that hose should be hissing out air into moist fertile soil and aerating the soil... I do this on the top with my hortic ultural sprayers after they've emptied... I pump them up and blast air in the top, clusters of roots usually form nearby... I've only done this once elsewhere and that is currently three weeks along and double it's normal size...