Sweet Seeds Sweet Trainwreck-SS

i'd say this comparable to vi
Sadly the LED/COB scene in Europe is almost non-existent, so it's either an upgrade to traditional MH/HPS lights or COB upgrade.
can you fit a 400w hps in there and use your 2 led for each side of hps, that would give you plenty of power hps give dense buds and 400w easy to keep cool.get with adjustable ballast and run 430w red sodium lamp on super lumens from veg through flower. I love my hps but do like have leds around it.so far I haven't needed to fire my hps up, pretty soon that will be turned on and add in my cheapy 300w led as well and another 150w hps if needed. my tent is gonna get rather full soon.
actually the place I got mine from sell them rather cheap, I think whole setup around $90usd i'm sure there are some that ship to you. also the led I got, they might ship there also, if you get sent in from china instead of from usa? just a thought that comes with adjustable ballast both mh/hps lamps, 2 sets hangers and batwing and all cables/plugs. I ordered my red sodium separate, well I always order spares, just in case, so I have like 3 of them, 3 reg 400w lamps, 3mh lamps, you always need spares for sure! and 400w lamps super cheap! I love ebay, hahahaha
actually the place I got mine from sell them rather cheap, I think whole setup around $90usd i'm sure there are some that ship to you. also the led I got, they might ship there also, if you get sent in from china instead of from usa? just a thought that comes with adjustable ballast both mh/hps lamps, 2 sets hangers and batwing and all cables/plugs. I ordered my red sodium separate, well I always order spares, just in case, so I have like 3 of them, 3 reg 400w lamps, 3mh lamps, you always need spares for sure! and 400w lamps super cheap! I love ebay, hahahaha

It's a 2"x2" tent so I have no space left, damn it :rofl:
It's a 2"x2" tent so I have no space left, damn it :rofl:
ohh that 600w might fit in there perfectly only drawing approx 277w at wall w/ much much higher par then you have now and should give you plant sizes you want and can always use them other leds under pointing up? again, just a thought...or hps on top and the led facing up under it??
good day everyone, another photo update she very much started veg now. lots growth in only 2 days today she fed 4ml micro,5ml grow,1ml bloom,2ml calmag ph'ed 5.97 .
my trainwreck almost double in size in last 2 days, so far am very pleased how well she is doing. She looks awesome,no stress at all. The daily growth is pretty wild and amount of side branching that seems be training itself. I haven't even touched this plant yet. I guess thats why its my 5-6th time growing this strain, lol

hey there everyone, today I fed my trainwreck again was given 4ml micro,5ml grow,1ml bloom,5ml molasses,2.5ml calimag & ph'd to 5.97. I have some shots taken yesterday before and after lights out so your able see how Perky she is when lights come on, am very very happy with growth of this plant so far am expecting her to show sex by monday. So lets see how close I am.



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check out the inter-node spacing on this plant, it's damn near perfect! This New 600w Reflector Led is really Kicking ASS! I have also since increased power from 277w to 455w.