New Grower 2budz “In over my head” grow

Bad, as in Michael Jackson's album Bad is a great work of art. In all seriousness, I think your plants look about as gorgeous as any that I've seen. I got some serious plant envy!
You’re to kind. Don’t let them fool you, I have no clue what I’m doing. And every single one of these pots/bags is infested with bugs. Gnats and root aphids for sure, probably other species as well. I’m doing my best to manage them but it’s been a struggle. As long as I get them to harvest that’s all I care about at this point.
It’s feed/water night. I’m running Pyganic Gardening through each pot. Something sticks out like a sore thumb; the bugs are extremely concentrated in the HF pots/bags. As a matter of fact I don’t see any bugs in the coco loco pots.
Today is the first day all 3 of them have been perked up and looking happy. Lecter front left has drooped since day 1 for whatever reason. I think today will be their first light feed, AN PH Perfect base trio, some kelp. Gonna top them above the 6th but that’s probably a week or so out. Really happy with these plants :thumbsup:
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looking healthy mate
looking healthy mate
Yes but I misspoke. Front left droopy plant is a Hellraiser. Back is the Lecter. Lecter has been happy and praying since day 1. Realized tonight during watering she isn’t showing sex yet so she’s gonna grow some more before she flowers.
Yes but I misspoke. Front left droopy plant is a Hellraiser. Back is the Lecter. Lecter has been happy and praying since day 1. Realized tonight during watering she isn’t showing sex yet so she’s gonna grow some more before she flowers.
next few days and it will start to flower. Most of my strains normally flower around the 20/23 day mark . they never go into 30 day territory.
next few days and it will start to flower. Most of my strains normally flower around the 20/23 day mark . they never go into 30 day territory.
Day 26 today. I’m sure she’s gonna show any second now. She has a very symmetrical pattern that really makes my ocd happy lol. Beautiful little plant.
Day 26 today. I’m sure she’s gonna show any second now. She has a very symmetrical pattern that really makes my ocd happy lol. Beautiful little plant.
that's the type of symmetry I go for mate.
If you like small and fast throw in a SOS. I cut one on the 8 week mark as I always cut plants on 8,9 week to test them. Solid flowers with the desired high. I will be cutting the majority of the SOS at the weekend :thumbsup: that's 9weeks from seed. One or two will go 10 weeks due to a new pheno popping out.
5 Gallon Grow day 72
Just a couple glamour shots. Plant on the right is on track to finish by day 90 but the one on the left looks to need more time. Which sucks as the RBF is trying to take over the whole tent.


