Dutch Passion 2023. Auto SFV OG - Auto Mac #1 and Auto Oh My Gusher Dutch Passion new USA Autoflowers genetics 2023 - Auto SFV OG - Auto Mac #1 and Auto Oh My Gusher

Auto SFV OG - Auto Mac #1 and Auto Oh My Gusher
  • 11 weeks 5 days and all hanging whole on a line finished waiting to be trimmed and Jared once dry enough.

    SFV OG - DAY 18 -
  • Hello, little update here,Alfalfa seeds arrived and have been planted along with mint, alfalfa sprouts are already there, mint will take a bit more!



    Plant looks very happy in her new home !
    She already started growing back and stretching towards light!

    Pass the boof :pass:
    SFV OG - DAY 23 -
  • Hi!

    Plant keep growing and is pretty happy since she is literally praying the lord light !


    For now there is no need to fertilise since soil is pretty fed so we are going to skip this week, when the plant is going into flower I will start feeding.
    The plant isn’t getting any training or topping or defoliating since I think that with autos it could be a bit to stress to manage.
    Am I right @Antonio_DutchPassion ?
    Or do you suggest some kind of training ?

    That’s all for now!
    Early Flower
  • End of Week 5 MAC#1

    We have reached the end of week 5 and today marks day 35 above ground for our plants.

    The week started off uneventful but by Wednesday we had an overgrown lady that started flowering and still no frame work.



    Sometimes the best laid plans never come to fruition and with the larger of the MAC#1 in flower, there wasn’t really an option to man handle her to much.

    The exceptional growth over the last four days has really caught me out and the notion to flatten out this specimen was really missed. The 3” squared frame work turned up on Thursday and was rapidly installed at nearly midnight to get these ladies under control.


    Friday gave us 24hours of recovery before we set to work with a heavy defoliation. All the major limbs were spread throughout the frame allowing flower sites to occupy their own little square. Light can now penetrate through what was a dense canopy, allowing all those primary bud sites to be exposed.




    With regards to nutrients, they have been fed nothing but structured water, the bio-tabs that are present are no doubt working hard keeping these two ladies green.

    Week two of flower will see us continuing canopy management, plucking off leaves, if and when required to continue allowing light to penetrate and manipulating the remain of stretch.


    Happy Growing ;)
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    Smoke report
  • Hi peps im super impressed with all 3 of these new Dutch Passion girls, the most stoned I've been of any autoflower ever and all 3 taste like they should. I used my own mix of soils seaweed and poop and end results are good, joints burn even white ash smooth as a babys bum and put me in miday nap naps if i smoke to much, heavy body munchies n sleep through a thunder storm my kind of smoke. Also intrested to see if anyone else gets a mac#1 with a aniseed terp shes my favorite phenotype of the 3 i grew.
    Day 87 - Harvest - Auto Oh My Gusher
  • Hey Friends,

    After a well deserved vacation I came home to a greenhouse with only two plants waiting for me... One got molded over and provided a meager harvest, but the Auto Oh My Gusher...Oh, wow!!! She delivered my friends...By the time I got to cut her down (next day) she buckled over because of the weight...
    So I decided it was time to do the naughty and hang her upside down...
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    I removed all her fanleaves and hung her upside down in the shed. There she'll remain for some time, until I feel she's ready to be processed further. This 'pause' will give them buds some time to firm up while all the plants processes quietly come to an end...
    Also, my drying tent is currently filled to the top with all the seed mothers from my breeding thread and these will have to dry a couple more days before I can harvest the seeds out of 'm.
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    So you guys...This was another great Dutch Passion run!!! Thanks to @Antonio_DutchPassion for providing all them great genetics for us to test out!! :bow:
    And let's not forget the nice people at AFN for providing this awesome place to share our adventures :cheers:

    Next and also my last update in this thread will be when this lady is dry and weighed up. :thumbsup:

    So, I whish all the other growers in this thread the very best in their endeavors and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you all may have a bountiful harvest!! :goodluck:


    Bob :toke:
    SFV OG - Day 38 -
  • Hello!
    The plant had an explosion in growth over the last weeks and I am impressed even after a rough start.
    She is developing a very good structure on Buds all over the main stem, the pistils are mad crazy and are covering all the buds!

    Until this week I have been giving her plain tap water but now I started with half dosage of biobizz line products, 3 times a week.

    you can check it Here

    Looking further! Have a nice day :pass:
    Weight - Auto Mac #1 and Auto Oh My Gusher
  • Auto Oh My Gusher, yielded 68gr of primo bud. :pass:
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    Auto Mac #1, yielded 50gr of connoisseur class weed 👌
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    And with this, my journey with Dutch Passion for this season comes to an end you guys... :crying:
    I wish all of you growers who are going at it strong, the very best of luck and don't forget, enjoy what you do :d5:
    Also my eternal thanks go out to @Antonio_DutchPassion for being such a swell guy and I'm sure our paths will cross one day or another :pass:


    Bob :toke:

    p.s. If you want to see more pictures, I kindly invite you to read up on today's posts or if you're new, the beginning of my DP thread. 👌