I would love to, because I would love to grow test strains, but I don’t quite have either myself or my environment quite dialed in just yet. My plants seem to always look like they’ve been grown in the Iraqi desert under live fire.

Isn't that the more reason you should join? I don't believe breeders only sells to expert growers. Every day casual newbish growers like us are probably a lucrative market too.

Test strains should probably be tested by growers of varying skill levels to be fair to the strain. If even noobs like us can grow them well, it will inspire confidence and ultimately sales. Rightfully so too so everyone is happy.

Not forgetting you'd probably have to start a journal. The breeder along with other master growers can help and guide you to a better grow.

For me, I'm ecstatic to have a chance to be on the team. Also extremely excited to join my first comp!

Ordered very cheap fabric pots today that should take a week to arrive. Should make the date with ease.

Please be patient with me though as I'm clueless about grow battle rules

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I wanna test too...
Anything and everything...
While trying to get as good as the plethora of growers whose journals I stealthily lurk

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Mmmmm, I need some beans......

Ya I finally narrowed it down to 19 choices to pick from now to really narrow down what will work with me the best and help showcase my skills. Will admit when I first started autos I treated them so different from photos,now that I understand them better I find myself treating them the same as fast hybrid photo. Once I figured out how to adapt my years of photo skills to autos I've had way more confidence on training them and judging over all health and wellness. Once I learned thier time schedule and what I have enough time to do to them before harvest, has changed my yields greatly.
Hope all

Goes well for u, either way we owe each other a good battle sometime, specially after the short fall in the Royal battle. Lol
Thanks boss, things have a way of working out usually, just frustrating, and No doubt bud, I’m down for that, I’ll definitely keep you posted dude. Killing me not to be able to do the heavyweight goty and now this one, or hell not being able to grow at all is bothering me. We’ll get through it though.