My daughter has cancer, I need this to work. Help please.

@Renaissance Redneck Thank you for sending me to your thread, and posting this on my thread.:pighug: I was going to ask the following questions on your thread but was worried I would be hijacking it and didn't want you to beat me :deadhorse: :crying:

I have been trying to get her potassium up with bananas, however it isn't enough. I was talking to my mom a few days ago about potassium supplement from the store in pill form. I know now thanks to your thread and what you posted here that was the right direction.

I have a question for you about magnesium and calcium, what supplements do you take and how much?

How did you get your Dr to test your blood ph? I have asked my daughters Dr to do it, and she always says no, they only check her urine and only when she is on methotrexate chemo. I will get a ph meter for her (I use strips but after finding out that they can be 1 or 2 off... well meter it is... makes me wonder if the hospital is using PH strips also, and if they are, they should know better ....thank you. What PH meter do you use?

I want you to know that I am grateful beyond anything I can put into words for all of your help :worship: Anyone who could beat the odds like you have is one hell of a person, and deserves nothing but respect. Stage 3 small cell cancer, and you are alive :worship: Your odds of survival were worse them my own daughters, and yet you seem to be beating cancer's ass off :naughtystep:

For everyone who has helped me on this thread both for growing and for treating my daughter.... THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! :love::bighug::pighug::worship:
I got to say @Mossy you are one of the most informed people I have ever read, the website you posted on Renaissance Redneck thread was a real eye opener. Such great information! If there is anything else you think might contribute to my daughters health, please let me know. I have read Renaissance Readneck thread, and learned so much, thank you! I understand so much more about what her body needs thanks to you! You're great!:bighug:
The Acidic/Mineral Bugaboo

As more acid accumulates in tissues, as this story goes, it gets stored and pushed further, and ultimately it gets pushed into the cell. When it gets pushed into the cell, the first thing it does is displace POTASSIUM and then MAGNESIUM and then SODIUM.

Now these are three critical minerals in our body. The potassium and magnesium will leave the body, but as a preservation mechanism the sodium will be retained. Remember, the body balances by placing an alkaline molecule in the blood. Should mineral reserves be low, it is thought that CALCIUM (the most alkaline mineral known) can get pulled from the bones and put it into the blood. This leads to something called free calcium excess. This is something you don't want and it is what's behind osteoporosis, arthritic pain, etc. It can be brought about by the body compensating for an ever increasing tissue acidosis somewhere in the body.

Note that we are being incredibly simplistic here with this whole story. Regarding calcium, understand that it does not just leave the bone to balance acid as calcium is not a buffer, but when potassium leaves it will bind with phosphorous from the bone and in the process of phosphorous exiting the bone out goes the calcium. In these situations what the body often needs is more potassium bicarbonate, magnesium, perhaps organic sodium, and possibly zinc which lends help to the whole proper acid breakdown process which we started five paragraphs ago. Calcium needs to be given judiciously as does potassium as potassium can exacerbate things like cancer which can thrive in an acid environment of the type we’re talking about here.


A word on Calcium

You never get calcium into the body elementally, it is always attached to something else. It is the something else which can cause a shift in the underlying pH of urine and saliva and if shifted the wrong way can lead to imbalance. The calciums that are neutral would be calcium gluconate and orotate (a good bone builder). Calcium lactate on the other hand can push a person too acid. But it is ok to use if a person has a high average alkaline urine and saliva pH (7.0 or above) and you are wanting to push it down. Calcium citrate, hydroxide, and carbonate (coral calcium) can push a person too alkaline. But it is ok to use if a person has low average acid urine and saliva pH (5.8 or below) and you are working to push it up. In all cases you should return to a neutral calcium when the proper pH zone is reached. Continued use of the wrong calcium in the wrong pH can lead to unbalanced conditions and potential problems.

You can get your average pH as follows:

( (saliva pH x 2) + urine pH ) / 3


Let's push a little further. We have discussed four critical minerals:


Well, wouldn't you know, these four minerals are the controlling minerals for our body's sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Simply put, the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) controls our fight or flight response mechanism. The parasympathetic system (PSNS) controls our rest and digest response mechanism. It works like this:

CALCIUM Stimulatory mineral for the Sympathetic Nervous System

MAGNESIUM Inhibitory mineral for the Sympathetic Nervous System

POTASSIUM Stimulatory mineral for the Parasympathetic Nervous System

SODIUM Inhibitory mineral for the Parasympathetic Nervous System

If you run an acidic condition in the body in the way just discussed, you will note excessive free calcium stimulates the SNS. Magnesium isn't around to offer a balance. Potassium is depleted, so the PSNS is not getting stimulated to offset the SNS and it is actually being further inhibited by sodium which the body is hanging onto because of the loss of potassium and magnesium.

What does this give you? A person that is of overly sympathetic nature, possibly prone to ranting and raving, hyperactive, quick to anger, moving too fast, burning out. Just what you'd expect from somebody running too acidic. And what does it give you when pushed to the extreme? You get a person that may appear as extreme PSNS dominant: i.e. lazy, lethargic, fatigued. But what you might have is a person pushed beyond SNS dominance to outright exhaustion. According to some health care practitioners, it is rare to see a true PSNS dominant individual but we find that this is not true. Clinically people can definitely be stuck in a parasympathetic zone. More on this in a bit.

What we've just covered is a bit of the biochemistry that gets us to where we're going, and as you can see, it's one of the many fascinating inter-related pieces to this puzzle we call health. Now let's go further to build the picture.

Acid/Base - Tissue/Blood - Biochemistry

As acids accumulate in our body, they get stored and pushed into the tissues. The area they get pushed to, on a local level, is going to be in large measure where in your body or with what organ you experience problems. When the body stores a molecule of excess acid, it will compensate by placing an extra alkaline atom/molecule in the blood. The blood will therefore become increasingly alkaline.

Now something interesting happens with the uptake of oxygen when the blood is overly alkaline. With rising alkalinity, blood can increase its oxygen uptake; therefore the blood cells can hold more oxygen. Pretty good, don't you think? Well, if you think so, you’re wrong. The reason is, a little bit of biochemical reality known as the Bohr effect.

The Bohr effect states that with rising blood alkalinity, the red blood cells can saturate themselves with ever more oxygen. The problem is, they can't let go of it! If the blood cells can't let go of oxygen, then the oxygen isn't getting down to the other cells of the body. And do you recall what Otto Warburg discovered about cancer? It grows in an oxygen deficient environment. Now let's go further.

We have alkaline blood due to the fact we have increasingly acidic tissue and/or cells occurring somewhere in our body. We have an alkaline blood which can't let go of its oxygen to aerate an increasingly acidic environment.

So get this ---- Here we have an acidic environment with no oxygen. How can anything survive in this environment? Through anaerobic fermentation. What ferments anaerobically (i.e. without oxygen)? Yeast, mold and fungus. If that's the case, then this should bring up a most logical question; Since cancer thrives in an anaerobic environment, what is cancer? If you answered fermenting mold and fungus, you get a gold star. That is exactly what some believe cancer to be. In 1903, Enderlein and Schmitt (Munich) cultured the fungus Mucor Racemosus Fresen from tumor cells. Other biologists (some of those mentioned earlier) have done the same. With access to a biology lab, other scientists not beholden to political/corporate agendas could likely duplicate this experiment at any time. Why is this important? Because it is part of the story behind aging, disease, and the rotting process which confirms what pleomorphic researchers have known all along about MICROBES, i.e. ALL microbes will change dependent upon their environment.


When you age, get cancer, and/or experience other diseases, part of the process is that YOU ARE ROTTING ON THE INSIDE. This is a biological anaerobic fermentative process pushed into operation through the biochemical principles explained here. Most of these principles have been taught in one way or another to every medical student alive today. They just weren't shown how it works in practice. (Actually, if they were shown that, with a little cognitive brain power they might figure out how to cure cancer without dangerous chemotherapy. This of course is not good for the natural order of political academic hierarchy or long term industrial health care profits.)

This state that we have just defined is brought to fruition through largely dietary and environmental factors to which a body is subjected. This state where we have an excess acid load in the tissues, where the blood shifts alkaline, where the Bohr effect comes into play, where plenty of oxygen is in the blood but is not getting to the tissues, this state is one of anaerobic metabolism and could be termed an anaerobic or overly anabolic condition.

The interplay of the key minerals calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium when their ratios are effected can drive the autonomic nervous system to be stuck in sympathetic mode.

Now just as there is one type of condition, there is always the opposite on the teeter-totter of life. It is the dualistic, di-phasic, yin and yang of our existence on earth. We can see a completely different scenario of what was just expressed. It also would come to expression through our dietary and environmental factors to which we subject our body.

The opposite state here would see blood shifting to the acid side, the tissues going alkaline, the Bohr effect coming into play more at the tissue side of things whereby oxygen uptake increases which sounds like a good thing but oxygen is also an oxidizer (agent of rust) and to an extreme too much means oxygen utilization out of control. This leads to a dysaerobic or overly catabolic condition.

In one state (overly anabolic) we are ripe for cancer, in the other (overly catabolic) we are ripe for heart disease and pre-mature aging. Argh. How can we win? And to make matters worse, if you thought the autonomic nervous system only gets stuck on the sympathetic side where we are overly stressed, rant, rave, and burn out, the ratios and balances of those four biggy minerals can shift and we can get stuck and locked parasympathetic where we are perpetually laid back, foggy thinkers, prone to allergies and asthma.

This really is the rotting and rusting duality of life. Be that as it is, let's talk more about the ROT. And the rot, as it biologically culminates in the human body, begins first off with an environment that can allow its expressions.

Evolution of Microbial Forms in the Blood

Some researchers suggest that as any particular microbe evolves, if you change its terrain or cultured environment, you'll see it going through various bacterial stages; i.e. round forms, rod shaped forms, even going into viral forms. Ultimately though, ALL microbes can see a FUNGAL CULMINATION. This fungal culmination can also be replaced by a YEAST CULMINATION. It is said that biologists see microbes changing in the laboratory often, but for the most part dismiss it as contamination of their medium. The textbooks they learned from hold fast to Pasture’s static ideas of "germs", and if something observed falls outside the standard textbook discussions, it is more often than not dismissed as laboratory contamination or aberration. Truth be told, it might just be the pleomorphic behavior that microbial forms will exhibit if they are observed long enough and under the properly varying conditions.

Which brings us to the blood. There are forms in the blood that look like foreign microbes. If the blood terrain changes (i.e. pH, etc.), these forms can change their shape. They can look bacterial, like yeast, like fungus. Upon seeing this in the blood many go yep, there is a fungus among us, and it's in our blood. If this is so, given the proper terrain (or more to the point, the improper terrain) you’re going to get ROT, part of the biological aging and disease process.

This is why if you take a cancer tumor and culture it, you just may get the fungus Mucor Racemosus Fresen. Why that particular fungus? I don’t know the answer to this but that is the species of plant based fungus that Professor Guenther Enderlein suggested has infected man and all mammalian species millennia ago! This is the Endobiont to which he speaks. If health care biologists want a new road to explore for finding "cures" to today's diseases, all they need to do is look deeply into pleomorphic thinking, start researching along these lines, and adopt the idea that the “terrain is everything”.

Food for Thought.....

When human PH is running low and they are sick..this happens...

The Acidic/Mineral Bugaboo

You See this little piece at the bottom..?

Potassium and Magnesium are Lost..(Deficiency..)
Click to expand...
Plant matter..chlorophyll is full of...Potassium and Magnesium...

in fact..chlorophyll is often called Green Blood...

Liquid Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is a green color pigment which is created by organisms that make photosynthesis through sunlight. It is a crucial biomolecule which allows plants to absorb energy from light. All green plants, photosynthetic active algaes and vegetables on earth get their green color from chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll is almost identical to the human blood pigment hemoglobin - the only difference is their central ion (core molecule): hemoglobin has an iron ion, chlorophyll has an magnesium ion.
Within the photosynthesis chlorophyll has as main task the absorption of light, and the subsequent transfer of electrons and absorbed energy. There are several types of chlorophyll, the most important ones are Chlorophyll a, b and c.
Benefits of Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is the only substance on earth that transforms sunlight into edible energy. It is a concentrated form of sunlight and energy that cleans and renews our blood
and raises the quantity of blood cells tremendously

The more chlorophyll a food contains, the higher its nutritional value. Chlorophyll rich foods such as green and leafy vegetables contain huge amounts of minerals – which is why these foods are the most alkaline forming foods on earth.
Chlorophyll helps to build new blood cells, therefore keeping our blood's quality on top level. It supports the neutralization of cancer-causing substances and helps with arteriosclerosis. Above that, it enhances the healing of wounds, aids digestion, and improves our intestinal flora.
Liquid Chlorophyll

It is as easy as this: the healthier our blood is, the healthier we are! Chlorophyll rich green foods have an enormous influence on the quality of our blood (except of one ion chlorophyll is identical to hemoglobin) - which is why chlorophyll is also called "liquid green blood".
To get liquid chlorophyll, you can use a juice extractor and squeeze the "liquid blood" out of alkaline green grasses and vegetables.
Following foods contain high amounts of chlorophyll:
Alfalfa grass, Barley grass, Broccoli, Cucumber, Green peas, Green beans, Kamut grass, Kale / Green cabbage, Lemon grass, Okra / Ladyfingers, Parsley, Spinach, Watercress, Wheat grass, and Cannabis

Edible Green plant matter is composed of Potassium Salts and magnesium..which is Exactly what we are DEFICIENT IN...Ignoring the Olive Leaf Secondary Medical is at it's Heart edible green plant matter..full of magnesium and it is Feeding our Deficiency..:tiphat:..Perfectly..
Hey tglynnnrso..Sorry for your familys pain...:karmacloud:

I contacted Rick Simpson through his facebook page, and also tracked down other parents that have used RSO to cure Leukemia;

That is exactly what I would have recommended. Because Rick has been using the RSO for so long they have much more disease specific information than we you are more likely to find someone with similar so they can guide you through the treatment.

No I am not using mag chloride. She is on RSO, BS, and apple seeds. What is mag chloride for and how does it help? I am open to EVERYTHING that can help.

If you have read the RS books you will know that his Theory is that calcification of the pineal gland is responsible for most of our sickness..?..
If you see the last diagram where it says calcium enters the blood..that is the start of the calcification process.

Magnesium chloride reverse any calcification.

It is ALL about the PH.
If the PH is correct..all the deficiencies stop.

I understand RSO, and what it does, Ma'am, :bighug:, but IMHO there are larger things at work here. A high pH, and loads of O2.

RSO is a Potent Pure Alkaliser..that is how it is working.
Also check the chlorophyll info..RSO is refined from pure plant contains the magnesium and potassium that our bodies are deficient in.

Go Green Juicing while you are waiting for your bud to grow...from a health point of view it contains the same substances that she needs.
Cheap and available means cucumber and apples are Top juicing can juice your apple pips in with it.

If there is anything else you think might contribute to my daughters health, please let me know. I have read Renaissance Readneck thread, and learned so much, thank you!

It is all about the PH...treat the PH and you are putting her body in the Best position to fight any disease.

We don't need to rely on cannabis to adjust PH..we do it with a combination of Baking soda..which can raise pee PH by a full PH point overnight...:thumbsup:..
olive leaf juicing..magnesium chloride..big doses of vitamin C..chillies.

There are a lot of alternatives.

Back later..gotta go to work
@Mossy and @Renaissance Redneck Thank you both for your help. Sorry I have been off so long, I had to take my daughter to the hospital for treatment. We have no oncologist here, so I have to travel over 300 miles for treatment, and we just got home last night. I have started her on Essentia 9.5 pH Drinking Water, going to start juicing today, have ordered olive leaf, and Magnesium Chloride. Thank again for all of your help! With any luck this will work. I still think that the THC in rso works for cancer also, and want to keep her on it as much as I can. I hope this combo will work and put her into remission.
Thank you both for your help. Sorry I have been off so long, I had to take my daughter to the hospital for treatment. We have no oncologist here, so I have to travel over 300 miles for treatment, and we just got home last night.

Don't Worry about it..the beauty of threads is it is still here when you get Worries...:thumbsup:

I have started her on Essentia 9.5 pH Drinking Water, going to start juicing today, have ordered olive leaf, and Magnesium Chloride.

That will be a Massive leap towards of the med mods will Help regarding doseage/treatment when they arrive.

I still think that the THC in rso works for cancer also, and want to keep her on it as much as I can.

We all need a line of homework we can Believe in. I started Wondering WHY Cannabis worked..and the homework developed from there.
It is Good that we can have alternate treatment for the people who are sick and won't Use cannabis...:toke:..we can still Help.

I hope this combo will work and put her into remission.

We all have our Fingers Crossed for your Family..:karmacloud:

What are your Main requirements now..?...someone to shadow you with your grow so you get Best Results first time..
Do you know the process for producing RSO..?

Our resident Rick Simpson protocol guide is probably @Rebel..I'm sure he would chirp in if you need Advice.

Let us know what you Need..and we will try our Best to get you all the Help you require.
What are your Main requirements now..?...someone to shadow you with your grow so you get Best Results first time
I need help with my first grow when my seeds get here. I need A LOT of help with that, I am not a green thumb kind of person.

I do know how to make RSO, I have been doing it for a while. At the moment I am not making it as I have run out of money to make it. She was on 1 gram per day, and it got her down to .02%

Help regarding doseage/treatment when they arrive

I do need help on dosage information for how many green juices (let me tell ya she hated that not sure she will do them again), how much Magnesium Chloride, how much Olive Leaf, how much Potassium, and if she should have Calcium Citrate (not sure if I should be giving her that). Is there a away around green juice, such as how many greens per day to make sure she gets her PH stable. I looked into it after one of your post, and she needs cucumbers the most I think. It seems to have what she is low in ( you are right by the way, she is low in Potassium and Magnesium they had to add it to her IV) She runs around 6.5 and 8.0 with baking soda, and she crashes every day,we have been using baking soda for about 6 months now, will her body ever be able to have a healthy PH level on its own over time? Any advice you have will be welcome, and I am grateful for all the help so far. Thank you!
I need help with my first grow when my seeds get here. I need A LOT of help with that, I am not a green thumb kind of person.

Right..I'll see if I can get one of the staff to Buddy up with you for the grow..:thumbsup:

I do know how to make RSO, I have been doing it for a while. need to cover that.

I do need help on dosage information for how many green juices (let me tell ya she hated that not sure she will do them again),

I tend to just use cucumber and carrot coz they are cheap and available..but there are ways to make them more palletable by adding fruits etc..unfortunately what we really Need is the Green..the chlorophyll..and it is not the most pleasant taste.

The Olive Leaf will Help..kinda like a green salad in a capsule.

how much Magnesium Chloride,

There are a few different applications for the magnesium.
You can apply it to the skin and it is very Effective.
Spray strength..half a cup of mag a full cup of hot water to dissolve it and add it to a spray bottle.
Use liberally.
This is a low dose to start because it can cause irritation on sensitive skin..try spraying on the legs arms back until she gets used to it.
Do Not used on recently shaved legs armpits or it will sting like buggery.

The spray can also be sprayed into the cheeks and under the tongue for oral doses.

Also..the mag chloride can be used for baths or foot steeps.
Start doses of 250 g's per bath..125 g's per foot soak...:soak:..add some washing up liquid for bubbles and any essential oil for a bit of perfume might make it more girly for her.

Personally..I wouldn't dose the calcium until her PH is a bit more stable.

She runs around 6.5 and 8.0 with baking soda, and she crashes every day

This is Good..but could be a bit better/more consistant.
When do you measure her PH....Morning/afternoon/night..and when do you dose her..?
I'd be Interested in a morning I can See what her body is lying in overnight.

will her body ever be able to have a healthy PH level on its own over time?

The body Should self stabilise..just when we are sick for a long time we have to give it a Helping Hand until it can turn itself back On...:thumbsup:

Any advice you have will be welcome, and I am grateful for all the help so far. Thank you!

You are Welcome....:toke: