Dutch Passion Bob's Dutch Passion Grow - Auto Trichome & Cream and Auto Mimosa Punch on BioTabs

Day 45
Hey Friends,

Just hydrated the ladies as their pots were feeling light. I added one teaspoon of Magnesium Sulfate to the 5L of water as I found that my Amnesia cross did show signs of Magnesium deficiency. The other ladies aren't showing this, but they're getting their share.
Left upper corner my Amnesia cross, right upper corner the Do-Si-Dos, right lower corner Trichome & Cream and last but not least, left lower corner...Mimosa Punch.
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The amount of bud sites in the tent is just phenomenal!
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The creation of that many leaflets requires some extra Magnesium and although I could have used the Silicium Flash to remedy this issue, I don't feel the plants require a new dose of all the elements inside when some extra Magnesium will do the trick. :thumbsup:
She might also be showing signs I let her dry out to much. :shrug:
Amnesia Something something - Day 45
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This Trichome & Cream isn't showing any of this and is happily pushing out pistils.
Auto Trichome & Cream - Day 45
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I'm trying to show it, but those bud sites are going down into the canopy until we reach the SCROG netting.
Auto Trichome & Cream - Day 45
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Another example of the many leaflets that are forming in the creation the bud sites. After a couple of days these leaflets gain their color, but you can understand the plant is strugling a bit to keep up.
Auto Mimosa Punch - Day 45
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Again, the amount of pistils being pushed out is staggering!! And we're only at day 45 :yay:
Auto Mimosa Punch - Day 45
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Auto Mimosa Punch - Day 45
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Auto Trichome & Cream - Day 45
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Finally the Do-Si-Dos girl has stopped stretching and luckily I've placed the shoots on the circumference of the tent, but you can see they are freakin' close the the light...
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No time lapse for today, but I do hope you enjoyed todays post :thanks:


Bob :toke:
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Hey friends :cheers:

Went to the tent to take some pictures and feed the girls some Silicium Flash, but instead this is what I saw poking through the pouches...
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Yup, the roottips tell me it's time to transplant these into their final pots...
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So I got to work and gathered everything needed....The four pots filled with the prepared and activated soil...
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...Some Mycotrex, a spoon and a cup...
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Let's not forget our girls, ready to be transplanted. :thumbsup:
Auto Trichome & Cream - Day 11
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Auto Mimosa Punch - Day 11
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Auto Do-Si-Dos - Day 11
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Amnesia x Something-something - Day 11
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I dug a hole, used my hand as this was wide enough for the pouch to fit inside...
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...Sprinkled in some Mycotrex...
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...And inserted the seedling, pouch and all...
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The soil from the hole got dumped on top and spread out. Next I divided the 1L I mixed up with Silicium Flash between the pots. Making sure most of it got into the center, where it's needed the most. Then went and mixed up another liter of water with some Bactrex and divided that as well over the pots.
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So all the pots got about half a liter of water with the necessary additions.
And then it was time for the BioTabs themselves :jump:
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Two tabs per pot. One pressed about 5cm's / 2" deep and one double that. I also connected the DIY airdomes to my 100L/H pump.
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And lastly, the values inside the tent...
Light = 25%
Extraction = Off
Monkeyfan = lowest setting
Temperature and humidity are still settling down after my visit. But I can see now, I'll have to turn on my extraction fan later on as +80% is to much of a good thing...
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And here's a time lapse from yesterday until I transplanted the ladies today.


Bob :toke:

Do you remove the initial planter bags? You said that you put them in the hole, but your later photos don't show them. Are they buried out of sight?

I have been considering using these, but have been using insta transplant pots instead because I have been concerned about not being able to get the bags off, and about the chance of root restriction if I left them on. By any chance, do you have photos of the root wad after harvest? I did this with the peat plugs, and contrary to my suspicions, the synthetic mesh on those don't interfere with roots at all, at least not as far as I could tell. Even where roots penetrated the covering, there was no visible grooving or other sign that the root had any trouble expanding as much as it liked.

I like the idea of those initial bags, they would be less hassle than the transplant pots, and seem to make happy plants. Interestingly, Cocoforcannabis.com recommends them, and that crew know their stuff.

Nice thread by the way, excellent photos and explanation of what you are up to. Thanks for taking the time. :pighug:
Do you remove the initial planter bags?
I did in the past and they come away fairly easy when you use a sharp pair of scissors to create an initial cut. From then on the fabric tares away with ease.
This year though I haven't removed them and they are still wrapped around the initial rootball. I did cover them over with soil as I have loads of worms and other critters crawling around in there and I wanted them to be able to cross over, if that makes sense...

I have been considering using these
I was so happy with them I ordered myself 100 more from the same vendor.

By any chance, do you have photos of the root wad after harvest?
I promise I'll make a couple for you when this grow is over, but I already showed some pictures of the roots sticking out of the pouches in the beginning of this thread. So I don't feel you should be worries about root restriction. The seller states that the bags are biodegradable but I couldn't find any information about the composition of the bags.

Interestingly, Cocoforcannabis.com recommends them, and that crew know their stuff.
Didn't know that! Well like I said, I'm happy with them so I also recommend them.

Nice thread by the way, excellent photos and explanation of what you are up to. Thanks for taking the time. :pighug:
Thank you. I always try to spruce things up a bit to keep things interesting. And getting nice comments is always food for the ego :thumbsup:
Day 47
Hey Friends,

Time for another update from within the tent... :d5:
The addition of the Magnesium Sulfate to the water sure did the trick. My Amnesia cross has perked up quite a bit and so I added another half teaspoon of the white crystal together with a teaspoon of Bactrex and 20ml Orgatrex to todays water. I only gave about half of the 5L as the first droplets already started to appear in the tray below. Vegetative growth is surely over guys...The ladies are focusing themselves on posterity and this process surely is way slower then growing leaves and branches...
I chose to speed up todays time lapse to 60fps as this give a better understanding of bud growth and in particular the pistils. The disadvantage is that you guys will have to wait longer as I need more footage to create a time lapse of the same duration. This one took about 84 hours of pictures and takes up about 6GB of space on my hard drive.. Please enjoy :thanks:

After watering I cleaned up beneath the SCROG. :tang:
Nice and tighty...No dead leaves anywhere...Removed some of the dying leaves from below the foliage.
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Buds everywhere you look...:yay:
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Happy plants...But most of all...Buds!!!! :yay:
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All buds from the top to the bottom of the canopy!!! :yay:
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Already some frost on the main cola of the Mimosa Punch...Man this smell is wonderful and sweet!!!
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Humidity is at a low, even after watering the pots. And I didn't even change anything on the lights or extraction fan. :thumbsup:
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Bob :toke:
Day 49
Hey AFN Fam :bighug:

This little tent is packed with them four lovely ladies...And lovely they are!! Have a look for yourself. :welcome:
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After watching them for several minutes and checking out all them flowers, it was time to clean up beneath the foliage...
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I removed about a handful of old leaves and small shoots that started to appear between the branches. These little leeches are best removed as fast as possible so all the plants energy can go to the shoots that will produce :thumbsup:
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But you most likely came here for the budp0rn, so as not to disapoint...
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Pushed the light a tad more. I've got the feeling that I'm approaching the limit of what these ladies can take underneath this artificial sun.
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The extraction fan is still at the same speed...though
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And this results in the following values. A humidity below 60%...Something to dream of inside the greenhouse, lol
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Todays time lapse has been sped up again to 60fps and I think all the following time lapses will be the same as flowering sets in, everything slows down to a snails pace. Duration = 57 hours. Please enjoy :thanks:


Bob :toke:
Day 51 - Mid Flower
Hey Friends :cheers:

So today it was time to feed the ladies again, but the Amnesia in back is having some issues with the fact that I've been overwatering her. So even though her pot is feeling light I didn't give her anything. I'll see what she'll do in the coming days and decide then.
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The other three ladies are doing magnificent and are pushing out so many pistils I decided to add 25ml Bio PK 5-8 to the 5L of water alongside a teaspoon of the Bactrex.
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Both the Mimosa Punch and Trichome & Cream got about 750ml and the Do-si-dos got about 500ml. This is quite a bit less then the week before and done with the overwatering of the Amnesia in the back of my head.
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The buds are starting to take shape and do look very promising, knowing they still have a month to go :hump:
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This is the Amnesia... Even though she's looking not so fresh, she's also pushing out those pistils like crazy!
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The entire canopy is filled with these buds...
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It's getting colder, but not that cold that I'm worried. I'm mainly happy that the humidity is staying that low. :thumbsup:
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Today's time lapse is at 60fps and is about 48 hours. Enjoy! :thanks:


Bob :toke:
They are looking good Bob, well done! :thumbsup:

The Amnesia could be having more lightstress than the others, she is situated very close to the light and it wouldn't surprise me if you are hitting well above 1000PPFD there, the clawing leaves and the dark veins with more lightgreen blades could be a sign of too many photons hitting her (as well as a bit of overwatering). With a high probability of the combination of the two.

Would you not be be able to raise the light a bit? Otherwise I would try taking away the leaves that are directly under the light and possibly bend/put the main stem a little further to the sides/corner of your room. This to avoid more light stress.

Keep it up mate, always good to start the week with a nice update from you :cheers: